Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 13 – Be KIND

Are you KIND?

As a child we are taught to be kind. Well, at least I was 🙂 and I’m trying my level best to teach the boys to be kind too. To be kind to people and animals BUT also your environment. Apparently, people who do not take kindly to animals are also the people who do not take kindly to other humans. I can’t say that this is or is not the case as I’ve met people who definitely do not take kindly to animals but have a rather peculiar way with other humans. They are not unkind but they are not the most kind people I have ever met either. On the environment, we know that we are only given one body and one life to live but what about your environment?  I’m not going to preach to you about recycling, going green and what you can do to be kind to your environment. I just want to leave the thought with you… Are you kind to your environment?

What does it take for you to be kind?

We all have our “off” days when things just don’t seem to go the way we want them to. In these difficult times, it is then that you need need to TRY HARDER to be kind. Do we not attract energy? So on those off days, do we attract unkind people?

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle…Socrates

This rings to true for me every.single.time. The world does not revolve around me. In fact, everyone has something that they are dealing with. Some choose to display this publicly and others, including myself, choose to deal with it discreetly in a private manner.

Do you need for someone to be kind to you before you return the kindness?

I’d like to think that I’m kind to everyone I meet. And I base my decision of the person after a few interactions. However, some people have a way of creeping into your heart immediately. Just as with me, you might be having an “off” day the first time we meet. My Dude has a never ending rope of forgiveness and second chances. He believes that anyone and everyone deserves as many chances as he can possibly give them whilst he is still alive! Amazing right. He has a heart of gold overflowing with love. And what are the chances that he is an animal lover too 🙂 What a role model my boys have…

We know about the laws of attraction, so why not give what you want to receive? If nothing else, I bet you’ll feel better just by spreading a little kindness to someone in desperate need. In that same way, you are spreading kindness to yourself. Sometimes we need to be a little kinder to ourselves too. In a world where life gets so buy we need to remember to spread some kindness. It need not be anything major and it definitely need not be anything for the world to see. A simple smile might be all it takes to spread some kindness today.

Are you KIND?

Spirited Mama


If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

Week 7 – Love YOURSELF

Week 8 – FORGIVE

Week 9 – TRUST

Week 10 – BELIEVE in yourself

Week 11 – Find GOOD Friends

Week 12 – Enjoy the small things… F*ck balance


All aboard for Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! and Bobby van Jaarsveld sings the theme song LIVE!


52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 14 – Be PATIENT


  1. Your dude sounds amazing. Thanks for this post. Showing more kindness is my top personal goal. xx

    • spiritedmama1

      Thank you for reading. Yes my Dude is amazing. Imagine if we all strive to be kind, what a wonderful place this could be. Love your goal 🙂

  2. Celeste

    I love this! I’d like to think that I’m kind even on my off days and I’m a firm believer of “kill them with kindness”. Nothing throws people off more than you being kind to them. It works all the time.

    • spiritedmama1

      Yes, yes, yes. I do it sometimes. When they least expect it because that’s when they need it most 🙂 I like that you are kind on your “off” days. Thank you for reading the post.

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