Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 10 – BELIEVE in Yourself


What even is belief? Do you believe? I do… If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t have achieved what I achieved without belief. I wouldn’t be who I am today without believing in myself. Belief, for me, is to have faith and confidence in knowing that what you are attempting to do is possible. Belief is what YOU deem as true to you.

Invaluable to your success is believing in yourself


We get taught from a young age to just believe…

For me believing is right up there with having or keeping the faith! We believe what we cannot see. We believe because we have hope. Because we have faith. And because we were taught to believe in great things.

You should be your biggest fan. You should be cheering yourself on and in turn see how your fans are cheering you on too. Don’t get me wrong, you will have those fans who are waiting for you to fail or waiting for your demise. BUT keep going because you are destined to do great things. In all walks of life you meet different people. Those who cheer you on and those who cannot stand the sight of you and your success. Go back to your childlike demeanor and BELIEVE! You can if you really want to.

As parents we are tested daily with homework/tasks/projects/chores/just life in general whereby we constantly have to encourage Dudie to believe that he is good enough. To believe that HE can succeed. It gets easier each time he succeeds and I find that some days he doesn’t need the constant encouragement. I would like to think that he is encouraging himself to at least try something. At this stage, Troll seems to young to comprehend what we are saying BUT I see him cheering himself on every time he reaches a milestone. We must be doing something right…

Spirited Mama quotes

Do you believe in yourself?

What limitations have you set for yourself? How do you challenge your limitations? Do you believe in yourself? In my daily life I have to overcome so many limitations that I have set for myself, some subconsciously. I challenge myself to do better and be better than what I was yesterday. I believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to. But I also try and have a realistic approach as to not burn myself out whilst attempting my to challenge these limitations. I am not setting goals that are outrageous. I try to be more patient, to shout less, to be slow to anger and some days I’m good at it. Other days not so much. Life in itself is a challenge.

But with each and every challenge that you encounter you have a choice as to how you will react. I tend to react before I think things through. These days, my greatest challenge is to “think things through BEFORE I react“. It’s hard as my kids are constantly watching me and my behaviour. Those little sponge brains are soaking up what they think is right. And that scares the crap out of me. Am I a good enough role model? Lessons aside, I believe I can be a good role model. I believe in myself and my abilities to do my best with any given situation.

If you don’t believe in yourself , who will?… Spirited Mama


Spirited Mama


If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

Week 7 – Love YOURSELF

Week 8 – FORGIVE

Week 9 – TRUST



Shank You Very Much

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 9 – TRUST

If you are new to my series you can find the previous posts at the end of this post.

Week 9 – Trust

How easily do we trust strangers? Why do you, sometimes – for me at least, ignore that little voice in your head?

This lesson made me think about how easily we trust a pilot to fly us safely to our destination and back home. Someone we have NEVER met and perhaps even seen BUT we board that airplane without so much as batting an eyelid. You fasten your seat belt and off you go into the blue skies.

I know that you need to put your TRUST in someone at many different phases of your life. I would like to think that I always put my trust in God but I digress as I know that this is not always the case. Sometimes, I want to control what cannot be controlled. I want to fly my plane but I’m not a pilot so how could I?

As a parent, I saw first hand how trusting my babies were of me. Each one in his own right. Just trusting me as their mama. They didn’t “know” me but they trusted me. They had no idea what I looked like but when they “saw and met” me in person, they trusted me. The innocence of child is often overlooked yet the innocence of a child is a wonder that many of us adults could learn from. Children have an uncanny way of trusting themselves and their own judgement. Much to a parent’s horror sometimes; you know when you trying to feed the kid broccoli but they just won’t eat it but you insist that it is good for them. Well, this brings me to my lesson – Trust.

Trust yourself

Trust yourself and YOUR own judgement. Nobody knows you better than YOU do. In today’s world, I get that you cannot just go out there and trust each and every single person you meet. Unfortunately, there are many shady characters out there just waiting for trusting people they can prey on. That being said, we have become somewhat paranoid, if you want to label it as something, about each and every single person whom we meet. I’m not saying that you should go out there and just trust everyone who crosses your path. In no way should we just accept and hold hands and sing kumba yaa…

What I am saying is trust YOURSELF. That little voice in your head is seldom wrong. That little voice in your head is also a pretty good judge of character. If someone makes you uneasy, best you move right along. Sometimes it takes some time to be “comfortable” with someone. I have found that this could be that you/they are experiencing some difficult times and the timing of your meet might be “off”. It’s not that they are necessarily bad but it just might not “feel” right at the time. Some people you meet, you connect with easily and often trust immediately. Others not so much. Trust is earned.

Find friends and family you can trust

Even in your own family not everyone has your best interest at heart. Find the friends and family that you can trust. Enough said…I might start a family feud here so best I stop now 🙂

Trust God

Always trust in God. God has your best interests in mind. Everything God does is for our betterment. Even though it might not seem like it at the time, God has bigger and better plans for us. I admit that I don’t always trust in God. Looking back back at those situations, they were terrifying and I totally felt like I had lost control. Because I was never in control to begin with. Somethings are just greater than you and me.

Spirited Mama quotes

*As this series progresses I am finding some lessons more challenging than others. Each lesson is challenging in its own right but some lessons are kicking my @sS…

Trust is your credibility!!!

Do trust people instantly? 

Do you take time to warm up to the idea of trusting people?

Spirited Mama



Catch up on the series here:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

Week 7 – Love YOURSELF

Week 8 – FORGIVE

Shank You Very Much

How to get a degree in 3 years, DO NOT attempt this MY way

MONDAY 7 May 2018, was MY day!!!! Monday, I graduated! Three long, hard years of studying and it is finally here on this Monday morning. Graduation day is THE day that you can stand tall, brim with excitement, and breathe that sigh of relief as you pat yourself on the back… You made it to the finish line. This is what you have been aspiring to. I walked across a stage to be handed my “papers” literally and figuratively as I have successfully completed a Bachelors degree.

The gist of this blog post, if you don’t feel like reading is:

First Year – practise making a baby

Second Year – pregnant

Third Year – breastfeeding

My how to get a degree in 3 years or rather how NOT to do it the way that I did it…You decide whichever option suits you best. Read below, you might find something valuable…

This summary was the idea of my dear friend, Laetitia from PoppetPatch. There were some other words used, containing profanity, but for the sake of family viewing she came up with “clean” words. Thank you babe for the laughs and the pats on the back. You are my sunshine!

My 3 year degree program

My degree was set out in such a way that it accomodated the working individual. There were scheduled block weeks for each module, roughly 3-4 days of actual class, per month. The first year is probably the busiest as there are way more modules than any other year. Class attendance is compulsory and is an exam pre-requisite. In the second year, you have less modules but suddenly the workload intensifies. Also, your lectures now expect a certain calibre of work from you. In your third and final year is when you have the least number of modules BUT as in the previous year, standards are significantly higher as lecturers expect you to be on a certain academic range. You are no longer just a student. You should be knowledgeable by now and write up 7-10 page assignments! Do you know how many friggen words that is…a shit lot.

My 3-4 day block weeks is by no mean glamourous. I had to cram a semester’s work into those days. Full time students get almost 4-5 months of proper class attendance…me, I got 3-4 days for 4-5 months worth of work!!!! Exam periods were the worst as this was the time that I would function on minimal sleep and still have to get through the day.

First Year

I distinctly remember walking into my first class, feeling very nervous and anxious. Listening to people introduce themsleves. For a moment the self doubt crept in as I was sitting there, thinking what am I doing here? What am I getting myself into? The lecturer giving the class an overview of the 3 year degree program. What to expect in exams, etc. I sat there, not saying a word, but just listening. Thinking #WTAF am I going to write in a 3 hour exam when each question is worth a 100 marks! What could you possibly write that is worth 100 marks AND on top of that you need to answer 3 questions per module. 3 hours for 300 marks!

The best advice for successfully completing your degree

As I moved through the first year, the lecturers were always helpful and willing to go the extra mile. The best advice was to work on assignments as quickly as possible so that by the time you had another class to attend, you are done with the previous class work. This was everything to me as our classes would overlap with due dates for assignments. This was also NOT always doable and boy did teh wheels fall off the bus when I had to work on multiple tasks in different modules, similtaneously.

Second Year

How did I get to my 2nd year?

So I made it through the first year with some valuable lessons taken from the first year. This year was by far the most challenging as we decided to help my brother-in-law rebuild his life. Dude also had an accident on the way to work on the 1st of May. This was also around the time that I found out I was pregnant! My pregnancy was not as easy as it as was with Dudie.

Pregnant whilst studying

With both pregnancies, I had the lovely all day morning sickness with the actual vomiting too. I remember walking into an exam one morning and the invigilator looked at me with such pity and she said, “my dear, don’t you want to come back for the sick exam? You don’t look well.” I said nope. I am ready for this exam. I know that food and drinks are not allowed but I haven’t eaten proper food in at least a week and I have a protein shake with me. Can I please sip on it whilst I write as I’m afraid I might pass out if I don’t drink it. I also told them that in the event of me running out of the exam venue, please follow me as I’m probably on my way to the bathroom. There might NOT be time to ask if I may go… How fun was my exams. When I had the same invigilators for my other exams, the invigilators actually kept bringing me cold bottled water during my exam, as they knew my situation already.

Pregnancy complications almost halted my studies

I was diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia. I was hospitalised several times throughout the year. I also ended up missing one exam as I was admitted on the morning I was suppose to write an exam. I was freaking out. I messaged my course coordinator and explained that the doctor and nursing staff won’t let me leave the hospital, even though I said I’d come back straight after the exam. I was pissed and annoyed as I had prepared but now I couldn’t write the exam. I did manage to write the aegrotet exam, almost like a sick exam where your semester marks still count in this case. Did you know that if you write a supplementary exam your semester marks DO NOT count? They only use your exam mark.

So with being pregnant and going through a bit of a rough pregnancy, this was also the year that Mamma died. This threw me completely. Being pregnant and hormonal was rough but now also to deal with the grief at times felt unbearable. There were times where I just wanted to close my books, quit and crawl into my bed. Done. The end. BUT I didn’t. Something inside me was burning.


Third Year

Also known as the final year. The least amount of modules, but the most intense workload ever. It was crazy juggling momlife/worklife and studies. I distinctly remember completing an assignment one night with Troll on my boob. That particular day he just wanted to be on top of me. I wrapped him up and held him close to my chest and carried on working. Next minute, my alarm goes off and it’s morning. How even? I did not sleep yet. And now I have to get ready to tackle the day ahead on NO sleep. But I did submit my assignment on time!


So as the famous quote goes… “It always seems impossible until it is done ~ Nelson Mandela”


You can get YOUR degree in 3 years

It wasn’t easy. Tough times meant that we, as a family needed to work together, to ensure a streamlined process was followed. Routines were vital not just for me but also Dudie and Troll. There were times where Dude and I were both preparing for exams, boy was that intense. Dude and I follow two total opposite ways of studying. He needs complete silence around him whereas I need “white noise” to help me focus. I can literally study in front of the TV and it won’t bother me at all.

During these double exam periods, we would either each take a turn to get to our studies earlier. Meaning one of us would “parent” alone whilst the other would study. Our alternative was we parent together and get the kids to bed so that we both get to our studies.


Dudie, currently 8 years old, was on board most times and helped out where and when he could. He would offer to just sit with me whilst I studied. Love this child! So thoughtful. Troll, currently 1 year old, was way to young to comprehend what was happening. He was happy as long as he was fed. I did try and establish a routine with Troll as soon as possible. This was vital for my own sanity.

Amidst all the studying and class attendance, Dudie’s schooling/projects/extra murals/ sports/ etc and me making Troll home-made baby purees..Life has to go on. Life didn’t stop because I was studying. I have fallen asleep in the car, NOT whilst driving thankfully, but after the school run. I have cried in the car because I was just THAT exhausted. I have fed my kids flings and cheese toast on many occasions when I just did not have the energy to cook a meal. But I knew what needed to be done and I knew what sacrifices were needed.

Surely I have free time now after completing my degree

What free time? Life still has to happen. The only difference now is that I can also go to bed at a decent hour like everyone else. I didn’t magically have more than 24 hours in my day whilst I was studying. I studied after dark. Some nights I had to pull all nighters. Terrible for my body but it had to be done, so that I could succeed. I was still a wife/mom/employee and student. Right now I am taking a break from studying. I just needed to catch my breath and read books, other than prescibed reading material – which by the way was killing off my creativity.

The past three years have been incredibly challenging. Many sacrifices were made but in the end I kept my eyes on the goal. I stood tall and I waited for my name to be called. It is such a proud moment. I’ve cried a few times already as I have reflected on what this journey has been like, where this journey has taken me, and how this journey has changed me. This is not just my journey but also my little spirited family’s journey. They made sacrifices too so that I could reach my goal!

My proudest moment was seeing Dudie’s face as he watched his Mama walk across that stage. He shared my moment and rightfully so as he was was a critical part of my journey and my success just like Dude and Troll!

What have you done for yourself recently?

Are you a student mom or student parent?

How did you/do you cope?

Spirited Mama



Lucy At Home

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 8 – FORGIVE

Here is a round up of my series thus far:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

Week 7 – Love YOURSELF

Week 8 – FORGIVE

Well, this certainly is NO easy task for me… Although it shouldn’t be as hard as I think it is. It just doesn’t come easily to me. I am all for receiving what you put out to the universe and I sincerely hope that if I have offended anyone in the past, present or future that they would be able to forgive me. But in that same breath, I wouldn’t hold it against you either if you can’t forgive me.

There is no hard and fast rule here. In my opinion, you should do what makes you happy and comfortable. If you forgive someone based on the fact that someone told you to, well that’s a recipe for disaster right there. It will creep up on you and it will probably cross your mind time and time again once you have a disagreement with the person in question.

When you forgive, you forgive with everything within you. You move on. You let go of whatever it was that was causing you grief. You are free from the effects causing you grief…Spirited Mama

Forgiveness is two fold

By forgiving someone you are not only taking away the power, that YOU bestowed upon them to have over you, but you are setting YOURSELF free. Free from the guilt, perhaps you feel you were to blame, free from hatred, ok maybe hatred is a strong word, free from begrudging others, free from judging others. Why hold YOURSELF prisoner in YOUR own life? More than often, the wrongdoer carries on living his/her life unbeknown to them that they have wronged you. And YOU? You live as a prisoner in your own life. Set yourself free. Take back your power! Use your energy wisely. Redirect your negative emotions to positivism.


I wish you all the patience in the world ‘cos I know how hard it is too forgive.

Do you forgive easily?

Spirited Mama


52 lessons for 52 weeks

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 7 – Love Yourself

If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1 – Living with intent 

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go


Do you love yourself?

This is has never been an easy task, well not for me anyway. I have always battled to just love myself the way I am. I’m always trying to do better/be better/look better. I am happy with where I find myself in my life right now. Certain things can be improved but all in good time. Not everything is controllable. Sometimes we need to do what we need to do and believe and have faith that God will take care of the rest. To love yourself is accepting who you are. And it’s ok to not have it all figured out as yet. There are many opportunities to learn and grow as you go through life. You just need to be open to the idea(s) and willing to take on the opportunity when it arises. Of course I love myself but I tend to put the needs of others ahead of my own. It is not something I do consciously but rather it has become my second nature. It just happens…

Be open to ideas and take the opportunity

Are you on YOUR priority list?

It’s ok to be a little selfish here. You know the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup…” If you are not ok, how will you be able to help someone else? Believe it or not but if you don’t love yourself, how will you love someone else? You need to take care of yourself first, so that you can take care of others. More often than not, as a parent you take care of your kids needs first. (Well this is my #truth ) And as you work your way down your priority list you eventually get to yourself…Or do you? Are you even on YOUR priority list? I have been told that I have a very caring nature. I tend to “care” ALOT about others’ well-being but it seems in the process I forget to nurture my own well-being. I will go the extra mile to ensure that those on my priority list will be taken care of in whatever form, shape or size required but why don’t I just do the same for me…

Secure your oxygen mask first before you assist fellow passengers

Recently, Dudie and I have been butting heads over morning routines. This child will drop what he is busy with to help someone else. Now as much as I love that about it, it also grates me to no end as this is normally why we need to rush during school runs. I used the example airlines use in their safety videos, “You need to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can assist fellow passengers.” Much to my delight, he immediately got the message and seems a little more focused these days. And then to my detriment, I also realised such is life too. I need to secure MY oxygen mask first!

This was by far one of the most difficult posts to write. It’s not that I don’t have the words. It’s that I don’t know how to put what is inside my head into a blogpost.

So do you love yourself?

Food for thought: Would you secure your oxygen mask first or someone else’s?

Spirited Mama



9 Random facts about me, Spirited Mama

Why random facts?

In light of me trying to play catch up on my blog posts/admin/etc, I thought I’d share some random facts about me. To still keep some of my post lighthearted but not detract completely from my more serious post, e.g, my latest post, click here, in my current series 52 lessons for 52 weeks ( You can follow this series week by week to see what lessons I am teaching and/or learning as I go on my life’s journey.)

Random facts in no particular order

  1. I actually work. Like I have a day job. People seriously think that I do not work…how even? Do I dress up for the fun of it? Apparently, I’m so available to my kids that people really think I don’t work. In case you missed it, Mom of two little girls featured me in her series I Am More Than “Just A Mommy Blogger”.
  2. I have way to many pairs of shoes, that I actually never wear. Not because I don’t want to but because I have a few favourites that are my go to shoes. I have donated 30 pairs already and I’m currently busy with operation cleanup my cupboard…
  3. I have terrible #OCD tendencies…I freaking annoy myself, it’s THAT bad. Here’s a typical example; if Dude cleans the kitchen I WILL come back later and wipe the counters/stove/sink just so I know it’s clean according to MY standards. Believe me I have tried to let that shit go BUT it kills me to walk past the sink and it’s *not* clean…enough said
  4. I love a #Rubik’s cube but I have never actually gotten all the squares in the right order. As a household we, Dude, Dudie and I, are working on getting the Rubik’s cube in order. It’s a great way to pass time and just switch off for a while. We keep it on the dining room table so whoever walks past it will pick it up and give it a few twists.
  5. I am currently juggling a few balls in my life right now. If I play those balls correctly I may very well set up a little business this year.
  6. I always dreamed of being the “voice” in the Terminal building at airports. You know the one who announces “Passenger X this is your final boarding call for flight ABC 323. Please report to Gate 3.”
  7. I don’t take sugar in my coffee/tea. It’s been over 8 years now. I cringe if someone wants to add sugar to a beverage. BUT I do love chocolate. Don’t despair, I still get my sugar intake…
  8. I am very rigid with my kids routines. Especially the “Let’s get these kids to bed NOW routine”. Bedtime is 19:30 for both kids. For my own sanity and so that we can have some adult conversation without one of us being interrupted/falling asleep, etc…
  9. I love Tulips

    Random facts about Spirited Mama

    I absolutely adore Tulips.

Feel free to comment with a random fact(s) about yourself below.

Spirited Mama


52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 6 – Let it go

If you are following my series, I thank you. If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

If you read the previous lessons it’s almost a given that this lesson was coming either way. I have been tangled in a range of emotions the last two weeks and the lessons that have crept in was nothing knew. Perhaps it was God’s way of reminding me to do some introspection. Perhaps I needed to remind myself of my series. Perhaps I just needed a reality check. In the midst of trying to juggle life, Dude and I have had to make some serious life altering decisions. Yes, it was an emotional roller coaster which led to us being sleep deprived as we discussed the situation for hours on end, for 4 days straight. LET IT GO! I know it’s sounds easier than what it actually is but the truth is we complicate our lives, ourselves. Believe it or not, the choice is yours. It need not be complicated. Be technical and weigh up your pro’s and con’s and decide what the best decision is for YOU.

You don’t need to carry excess baggage

Much like when you are travelling on a flight and you have to pay for your excess baggage, the same can be said about life. You might not have to fork out the physical cash but you will pay in some way for carrying excess baggage through life. That payment could be the result of you not living up to your true potential/not seeing or being open to opportunities. Why? Because you are already overloaded and just physically/mentally/emotional cannot take on more than your current situation. Free up your baggage allowance. Let go of shit and make sure you have a few kilograms in your weight limit to spare.

My baggage

I consider my day to day life and a few short term goals my hand luggage/carry on luggage. I try and clear my carry on luggage as often as possible as this is most likely the most flexible baggage I have. It can change on a daily basis.

Long term goals and a few short to medium term goals is what I consider my precious 23-30kg checked baggage. You know the shit you sort of push to the back of your mind to deal with later, or the shit that you don’t necessarily want to deal with immediately so you park it in your long term memory. This will consume you. This will hinder your thought processes as well as your decision-making ability. With carrying baggage in life you sometimes lose the objectivity and neutrality that is often necessary to make a judgement call. Like me you may be slightly obsessed with another person’s decisions and rationale that your own judgement is clouded and you are sort of stuck on “how can Person X make such decisions?” You cannot possibly be objective if you are still questioning their motives. Again, LET IT GO!

Let go to move forward

Sometimes we need to let go of stuff to be able to move forward, to be able to take on what is intended for us. However hard the decision may be, sometimes we need to let go of whatever/whomever is not good for us. With that being said, I know from experience it’s not that easy to just let shit go. That shit will weigh you down. It will consume you. The more shit you pile on to your load, the more it will take over your existence.

Go live your life – Spirited Mama quotes


Food for thought on this cold Monday morning….

Spirited Mama

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52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

If you are following my series, I thank you. If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

I apologise for being so behind on blogging but believe me I’ve had some difficult moments getting through my lessons whilst juggling hospital stays/family/work/life in general.

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Everything in life changes ALL the time. Sometimes we are oblivious to the changes that are happening right in front of us. Is it that we are too “blind” to see them or recognise them? Or are we so engulfed in life that we are simply too busy to notice? And before we know it we find ourselves in very different situations almost having some sort of epiphany about what just transpired. Why then when we know change is inevitable are we still so surprised when change occurs? Are we so complacent in our lives that we can’t possibly imagine things won’t always be a certain way? Or are we just living with the hope that the phase shall never pass?

Embrace the changes that life brings you


For I know the plans I have for you

The sooner you accept that there are things you cannot control the better. Rather embrace the changes that life brings you. Instead of freaking out that things have changed and are not what you are used to, go with it. Things might turn out to be better than before. It could even be the best thing that could have happened to you. How will you know if you don’t try? Some of the best things in my life have happened when I let God take control and I sat back and embraced the changes. Yet I do forget that I should let God be in control. I too am guilty of wanting to control my life and what happens.

Change is scary

Yes, change is scary. But instead of fearing the actual event/situation it is more the fear of change that cripples us. The fear of the unknown. How will I manage xyz? How will I know what to do? We are stronger and way more resilient than what we give ourselves credit for. Take the chance and enjoy the change. It may be just what you need. Because you know the Lord already has plans worked out for each and everyone of us. As people, we complicate matters by trying to do someone else’s work, re: God’s work. All we need to do is follow our path and do what we need to do. This is a tricky situation as it is not as clear as daylight what exactly those paths are. But you have got to have faith and trust your gut/heart that you will make the best decision when required to.

Embracing change whilst change is occurring

Need I remind you that life happens in between. 2018 is only just starting to feel like a new year but we have already juggled 6 nights in hospital when Troll contracted the Adenovirus/dealt with copious amounts of homework/extra-murals and sporting fixtures for Dudie. Instead of having a rigid system, try to be flexible to a degree. You will never only have one change to deal with. It comes when you least expect it and most likely when you feel that you cannot possibly change your current situation for whatever reason. I am teaching myself to embrace the changes. It’s not easy but it sure is rewarding. You may not always be able to see the silver lining in a situation but believe me there is one. We just need to look a little harder/deeper than what meets the eye….

If you remember only one thing from this post, let it be this:

Remember this quote by Spirited Mama

How do you deal with change? Do you embrace it?

Spirited Mama

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

If you are following my series, I thank you. If you are new to my series find the previous posts below:

Week 1  – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

This week’s lesson is as old as time but how many of us actually live by it? I was raised in the same house as my brother but we are in fact almost a decade apart, and definitely raised differently and in different times/worlds. Growing up we always had what we needed and/or wanted. We were blessed and fortunate. BUT where we lack is that emphasis was placed on possessions rather than people. Many would describe us as “being well off” but I didn’t see or think of it that way. As an adult, I see where these perceptions stem from. Now that I am a parent, my husband, aka Dude, and I have very different parenting styles to that of our parents. We are trying to place the emphasis on PEOPLE rather than possessions. And I sincerely hope that my boys, aka Dudie and Troll, will learn that valuable lesson.

People vs Possessions

People come and go in our lives. It’s is the circle of life. Possessions on the other hand is merely a bunch of materialistic goods that you have acquired in your life, whether you have worked for it,  earned it or perhaps inherited it. How do you place so much value on material things that exist in a temporary world? Your focus should be on the people in your life. Those people who share your life’s journey. Those very same people who encourage you to be the best version of you. Most of us have encountered a saying “some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. #truth Some people teach us for an entire lifetime, some teach us for a short while and others…well some we need to let go of… My wish is that we find the reason or purpose and enjoy the person who is part of YOUR life. This is easier said than done but at least enjoy the friendship no matter what the lifespan may be.

Choose the “right” people for you

Not all people in your life is on your side, or in your corner. You will encounter people that are out to get you, that don’t wish anything good for you, and some are just plain mean and jealous of you. Don’t let that cramp your style. Move on and move forward. Some people are only there for a short period but can have the most profound effect on your life. Appreciate the people. Appreciate the lesson you gain from dealing with people. You may not always know why certain people cross your path but in due time all will be revealed.

What do you treasure? People vs Possessions? Be honest with yourself…

Spirited Mama

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 3 – Be YOU

Hopefully by now you are aware of my series, 52 lessons for 52 weeks. If not, for Week 1 click here and Week 2 click here

Week 3: Thursday 18 January

Today as we celebrated the fact that we were blessed to open our eyes to a beautiful day, we also celebrated the Dudie starting Gr 3. How even did we get to this point in our lives SO quickly. It feels like yesterday that I looked a pregnancy test with two pink lines on it! We stood at line up watching the excitement, anxiety, joy, laughter and some tears being shared. I suspect the tears were all from newbie scholars. Then my eye caught Dudie, who happily walked right up to the front of the line and patiently waited for his name to be called. The lesson for week 3: Be YOU! The confidence Dudie exuded was beyond me. From the first day at school, he has always just been himself and found “his” space. This is a character trait that I would like to think he gets from his Mom 🙂 *pats myself on the back*


This week lesson is not only for myself but also for my kids. Be YOU! you can only be YOU. Don’t try to be like others. Don’t compromise yourself or your happiness. Once you know how to be you, you will in turn be good to others. If you are happy, you will spread your happy.

All around us we see too many people wanting to be like others. Compromising their lives, livelihood and happiness. Here’s a quote to live by:

You were born to STAND OUT!

I get that there are times where sacrifices are made for the greater good. Let’s not be stubborn or hard arsed. But believe me when I say, trust your gut. If you truly feel unhappy, unsure of something make sure YOU are happy with YOUR decision first. You will never please everyone, neither will you ever keep everyone happy. Ensure that YOU live your life. YOU make YOUR decisions. And be happy with YOUR decisions. Remember that every decision will have a consequence and sometimes repercussions. Make sure that YOU are happy with it!

Now let us get on our merry way and go sprinkle some happy!

Follow my journey in my 52 lessons for 52 weeks and discover with me, uncover with me, and grow with me. I’m petrified as to what I am opening myself up to BUT how else will I learn and grow if I don’t challenge myself to do greater things.

Are you YOU?

Spirited Mama

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