Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: About me Page 6 of 12

You want what??????

So last night Dude throws me a HUGE curve ball!!!!!!

He would like another baby! No not a property or a new car BUT a BABY! I’m caught off guard.  I still am.  I have no reason to NOT have another baby other than I always thought since Dudie came along he would be my only child. I know that Dudie will LOVE the idea of a sibling but I’m just confused.

In fact I would like a cabriolet and I guess we can fit two car seats in the back but this is another person we are talking about. Another life to protect for as long as we both shall live! I like the idea of having another child but I’m just not so sure about the execution.

Dudie is 5 going on 15. And he in himself is 100 in 1 kids to manage.  I love him to bits but some days are just exhausting! How will I manage another child who needs to get into a routine and fit into our lifestyle.

My biggest fear is sharing myself between 2 kids….And juggling work and being in Spiritville and being a wife, a lover, a friend, a mom, a person…. Not sure how to juggle ALL those balls with a new baby in the mix.

The more I think about it, the more confused I become! It’s like a huge ape sitting on my shoulder pestering me to make a decision and quite frankly I don’t know which one to make.

This is how we currently sleep…Dudie starts off well in his own bed but 4 out of 7 night she sneaks into our bed….and well every so often I go and have my back re-aligned…professionally.

Where would a baby lie?

dudieSometimes Dude complains of his nightmares…it’s generally about falling off the bed but it is in fact no nightmare…it is real…Dudie will push me towards Dude’s side of the bed and so I push Dude to the edge. LOL

Decisions decisions decisions…


Spirited Mama

P.S this was a random image that I found on my hard drive so I have no idea where it originated.  The persons in the picture couldn’t care less about credits they just NEED sleep. So let them.

P.P.S Did I mention that I’m now getting back into shape and Dudie wants me to grow a person..again!

I need a new pillow! STAT!!!

So you may have read my post “How to Unlock vertebrae?” and currently I’m still NOT sorted. I’ve had the physiotherapy but tomorrow is D-Day. Tomorrow, I see the chiropractor! And I’m a bit nervous…

Apart from my gloriously wonderful bed that sleeps like a dream but only when I sleep alone or when Dude doesn’t harass me, in a husband-wife matrimonial way of course 😉 or when the resident starfish, aka Dudie doesn’t sneak into our bed in the wee hours of the morning – this happens 3 out of 5 times in the week. Really love the cuddles but OMG I also need a good night’s rest….

I buy pillows like any normal person buys bread and milk. I also buy loads of shoes but funnily Dude doesn’t complain about that anymore… He’s fixated on my pillow purchases. He’s giving the used, which technically are also still new, pillows away as he doesn’t see why we need 6 pillows on our bed and why Dudie needs 3 or even why I have cupboard stashed with pillows in the event of overnight guests…

I need a new pillow. I need advice on what to purchase. I’m not looking for the Ferrari Model more like the Jeep 5.7 L Hemi kind of model. I’m not sure my bank balance can handle anymore random pillow purchases so I desperately seek guidance on what to buy. I don’t need an anti-snore, although Dude says I sometimes snore.

Spirited Mama

When My 3yr old says “Mom, you’re boring!”

I had to stop myself from responding with WTF. I know I’m a paranoid parent. I’m the one who worries that he’s get hurt. Dad is the cool fun playful one. They play and I thank the Lord that I have a son ‘cos OMG a girl child would’ve been beyond tomboy… And besides I don’t have a sister. And my mother never did any mother/daughter things with me so I really wouldn’t know what to do with a girl child… When I watch them “play” my Dude says, all whilst rolling his eyes at me and with a not so subtle tone in his voice, what does Mommy say – Just remember – someone always gets hurt…

<I just spent 10minutes explaining to our executive home assistant, aka Maria our helper, that I would really appreciate it if she could handwash 1 of Dudie’s polonecks as it is soiled, looks like he swam in the sand! She was ok with this instruction when I left for work but she’s been frantically searching for this grey sweater that I specifically left on Dudie’s Bed in plain sight. And I did mention that its on his bed. She’s called me 5 times and after I tried to explain its the fck grey poloneck on the bed, I do not swear at her -promise- I may curse under my breath but not directly at her. She calls me back to say she’s found it so she’ll wash the blue jacket. BLUE? WTF? I said it’s ok just leave it I’ll sort it out tonight. I think she picked up on my irritability and called me back again and said she’s found the grey sweater. Swell – let’s see shich item she’s washed when I get home>

Anyway, I try to do fun things with Dudie. For example on Saturday I told him let’s paint. So I drag out the paint stuff and whilst Dude was braaing (barbeque-ing) we painted or lets just say Dudie painted over my pretty blue sky and green grass.. sigh. I let him be cos that’s how he paints. So after reading Tanya’s post on Cool “kid” things that adults should do, I was wondering what other parents out there are doing with their kids. These are the things we do, I took these from Tanya’s list:

Pop the bubbles in bubble wrap – I looovvve this. We have a massive roll of bubblewrap in the office and every now and then I take some home 🙂

Jump on a bed – Dudie and I cannot resist. Especially when we go on holiday! We recently spent a small fortune on our new bed so I’m definitely not jumping on that bed.

Jump on a jumping castle – Errr, we kinda broke Dudie’s Jumpolene….Maybe that’s why they say for kids under 6 yrs only.

Have a water fight – Errr, every night at bath time. Water guns, jugs, cups whatever is available will be used to scoop water and throw at any human or animal form passing by

Jump in puddles – Dudie says I need Wellies but this Mam wants some Hunter Boots

Run through sprinklers (clothed might be more appropriate) – we did this the other day. Bad idea cos its cold in Gauteng. Winter is coming

Blow bubbles – Love this. We do it all the time. We even did it on the beach in George…

Enjoy an ice cream cone with sprinkles and sauce, or even a soda float – Late night Ice-cream treats. On Sunday we started with ice-cream and chocolate ice-cap. And we’ve had it 3 times this week too

Finger paint – We don’t do this often enough

Have a midnight feast – This is reserved for Dude and I 🙂

Camp out in the garden – We set up Dudie’s tent in the lounge so we camp in the house

Make biscuits in animal shapes – Oooh this is a hit with Dudie. My Dude’s colleagues have requested that I make those animal biscuits again. Dude always take s treats to work so his workforce knows what I’m capable of…

So what “fun” things do you do?

Spirited Mama

Are you a BLIEBER?


For all of you Justin Bieber fans out there – enjoy your Cape Town concert.

And the Bliebers in Gauteng  – you’re probably waiting with baited breath for the weekend….

Really, I don’t get what the hype is about. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a different era? Each to his own I suppose. Th epic above was just to funny NOT to share 🙂


Baby baby baby baby ooohhhhh!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S. I have no idea who to credit for the images above. My bad. If it’s you – well thanks for letting me borrow it without your permission but now you know where to find it

P.P.S Reluctant Mom – This post is dedicated to YOU!!!!

How to Unlock vertebrae?

Somebody? Anybody? Body?

I’m not sure how I did it but somehow I managed to lock to vertebrae in my neck… I woke up on Friday thinking I must have not slept properly hence the stiff neck… Well, Saturday wasn’t any better. Sunday morning wa seven worse. Now I considered a trip to ER but really wasn’t in the mood for drma…and I really wish I knew some medical staff as I thought I just needed some injection of some sort…

This morning I decided I needed to sort this neck issue as I can’t turn my head to the left… As I walked into the office I made an appointment with the physiotherapist. Well let’s just say that she couldn’t unlock my vertebrae and that  have to go back in the morning… And that I now take anti-inflammatory medication and I use a heat pack all day long…

I have never experienced this before but apparently it can be caused by previous incidents like whiplash Any how, let’s see what tomorrow brings.

This morning I couldn’t put my chin on my chest after physiotherapy I could BUT now I can’t look up because then my left side pulls stiff??? Can’t wait for tomorrow…

Spirited Mama




You are MORE BEAUTIFUL than what you think!

I read a post The way we see ourselves on Cat’s Blog, Juggling Act of Life and all I can say is WOW! This is so true. We undermine and downplay ourselves/looks/personas/personalities/successes etc for what… For whom? Because in essence, we are our own best friend/worst enemy.

Growing up, I was tall and skinny practically all my life. And yes, being skinny has it’s perks but I never truly felt “happy” with the way I looked. Fast forward a couple of years and I became a healthy size 8 (32). Well, I still wasn’t entirely satisfied. Fast forward into marriage and a baby and voila I’m a whopping size 12(36)…. Am I happy? Most days YES! And some days I stare at mt thighs and squeeze the sides a bit and wish they were leaner. And the flabby arms, and let’s not forget that I lift my a$$ every now and then just to see what a firm buttock would look like.

What I’m getting at is that “We are never really happy with what we have” but I guess that’s what makes us human. It’s ok to NOT be happy all the time. It’s normal. It’s MY normal. somedays  I feel like  a supermodel, some days I just fell blah!  So instead of striving to look like the next supermodel, ACCEPT YOU FOR YOU. There is only ONE YOU! YOU ARE SPECIAL, DIFFERENT & UNIQUE.



Spirited Mama

I dare you to tell someone that they are beautiful. It probably won’t save the world but it might just mean the WORLD to the recipient.

Seattle Coffee Company.. I seriously love you!!!!!

So our new ok it’s not new but it’s still new as a family affair – is our Coffee dates at Seattle Coffee Company. I love coffee but a good coffee almost as much as I love chocolate. And I love hot coffee. Now just to clarify, before anyone call the welfare and the health inspector and who ever else need to be called when a child is involved… WE DO NOT give our child coffee. We substitute with Milo or hot chocolate or a Baby Foamy 🙂

Dudie, loves his coffee. That could possibly be one of the first words he learnt to master as he always saw either Dude or myself with a cup in hand…. Yes, we go through a crap load of coffee and let’s not forget milk….. I’m still looking for a cow, if anyone has any just standing around doing nothing… So ever since my child could talk he would ask for coffee.

So every now and again, and I noticed that it’s becoming a regular must have on a trip to Menlyn, we absolutely MUST NEED HAVE TO HAVE coffee. I would generally get the Latté, Dude gets a Café Mocha and Dudie well it’s either a hot chocolate or Baby Foamy. And we recently discovered the yummy apple cinnamon muffins – YUMMMMYYYYY! As I do not have any sugar in my coffee I will spoil myself sometimes with a Café Mocha too…

I’d like to think that we are becoming regulars and sometimes it’s a quick in out dash to get coffee and sometimes its a sit down and just unwind with your coffee… The best part is seeing the pretty images they create in your coffee cream – from flowers to smiley faces. These guys and girls are really talented. And it’s fun to see the excitement in Dudie for the surprise picture that awaits… Thank you Seattle Coffee, you make my family happy!!!!




*This post is in NO way sponsored. We are just really loving Seattle Coffee. I told Dude, We need to go to Seattle to try this coffee in its hometown…. I’m working on getting him to take us to Seattle…

OOh, I think I need to do a quick detour on the way home.


P.S. Dudie bought the Russel Hobbs Red Edition Coffee Maker. Now whilst this is not Seattle Coffee and there’s no one to make me pretty pictures in my coffee, this is seriously my vice in the early hours of the morning. You get woken up by this freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Dude programmes this machine and sets it up before bed every day so that we wake up to fresh coffee. When Dude leaves for work and Dudie is having his second sleep in my bed, I sneak into the kitchen, pour a big cup and snuggle on the couch with my coffee. That 5minutes of pure bliss. It’s quiet and peaceful….well sometimes the birds interrupt my peace and quiet but I’ve now just learnt that I do not open them up until I’m ready to leave….

P.P.S Did I tell you that I get up at the crack of dawn to bake muffins/cupcakes or whatever treats I think the boys would like… Not everyday, but they love me so much more for this….They wake up to fresh baked treats…. I jsut nee dto figure out where I can find someone who wants to treat me…

RED Coffee Maker

Almost always late

I read this post over at HarassedMom about being late. If anything you need to check her son’s hairdo in this post. Love it! All I can say is that I’m happier just enjoying the moment and not stressing about the fact that I was supposed to be wherever so many minutes ago already…

I feel so much better now. I thought it can’t possibly just be me…that’s late ALL the time!!!! No matter what I do…. Even if I prep the day before…. Or get up hours before everyone else…. Sure as hell we will NOT be on time.

I must add that each and every watch/clock that you encounter in our house will read a different time 🙂 purely to give you a buffer so that you’re not  TOO late for whatever. And also that, when I moved out of my parents house, I vowed that I will NOT rush through life. I will stop and smell the roses…- My mother is beyond punctual!!!pAin in the ass punctual actually – if she says we’re leaving at 7, she leaves at 6:45! True story – ask my husband who was at the time my boyfriend when witnessing this….


Each to his own, I suppose. If you really want me to be punctual then I will be  albeit sans Dude and Dudie. But other than that I will get there when I get there….

I enjoy my moments. I stop to smell the roses.


Spirited Mama

P.S. This post as in my drafts for a while so technically it’s late…. But hey it’s been crazy busy in Spiritville…

P.P.S I’ve recently been rushing my family to get things done or to be on punctual for certain events…. Well, it’s seems t obe rubbing off on Dudie as he tells me on numerous occasions “Mamma, you’re going to make me late” or Are we late? or like this morning “Well Done Mama, we early!” sigh… I try but somedays I just don’t have that extra oomph to get going or to motivate them to move swiftly along, as this is often the case. I’m done. Waiting. Checking and rechecking doors and windows just to give them extra time…

Doctor Dentist dreams

So what does your offspring want to be when they grow up? Or should I ask what are your dreams for your offspring?

Dudie is 3 (Going on 16)turning 4 in October. He is obsessed with rocks/stones… This child collects rocks. He picks them up as he goes on his merry way and they generally end up in my bag/pockets or in Dude’s bakkie etc… But we have rocks from every place that child ha s been too. We sometimes keep the nice ones and sometimes chuck the normal ones into our garden. So we don’t really get rid of them but we redecorate the garden with them. We think he’ll do something in the lines of Archaeology/Geology, but we’ll see. He might just want to cash in on his trust fund… Note to self- start trust fund for Dudie!

Two weeks ago we had a family trip to the Dentist. Now, touch wood, to this very day I do not have a single filling in my mouth. I have all my own teeth. So I’m a happy camper thanks to a minimum of 2 annual trips for general checkups to the dentist all the days I spent under my parents roof. I wanted to preserve Dudie’s teeth and decided that a family trip was necessary. Dude is a bit reluctant a she always ends up making follow up appointments for a cavity/filling oor something…

The Dentist, I found a new one and I really think that we will stick with him for a while even though I have to pay them and then claim a refund from my medical aid – who short pays me R600 for our family trip!!!! Medical Aids suck – but then again I can’t imagine not having it either. The horror! I pay R5795 per month for the 3 of us. Every single month I die a little because quite frankly I could buy a new car/ second property/ have a holiday fund…. But then I console myself with the thought that we can utilise private facilities and that’s what I’m paying for… sigh…

I got the thumbs up from the Dentist. Dudie got a “well done Mom and Dad – this kids got no issues here”. Dude – had to make an appointment to redo a filling and fill a new tiny cavity. As we left – Dudie pipes up “Mamma, no sweets for Daddy” 🙂

Dudie has decided to be  a dentist when he grows up. He makes us sit on a little blue chair and he examines your mouth/teeth and then proceeds to brush/scratch/inspect with his tools (which is a makeup brush set- don’t fret it’s a spare one that is reserved for the dentist). On a different note, on Tuesday he told me he wants to be a doctor whilst we were lying on his bed having a bedtime chat. He then proceeded to stick a dolphin in my ear and a very hard plastic dolphin was lodged in  my right nostril too. I had to be very still so that the stuff would stay put during the exam else he had to re-insert it. And he is not very gentle. I prefer the Dentist child over the Doctor child…

Here’s to good teeth! Now get brushing. Dude says that I’ll brush my teeth away someday 🙂 I think 2minutes to brush is not enough time. I take more like 5 – 10 mins…

Spirited Mama

P.S. One of my best friend’s dad, he passed a way when we were only 7/8 yrs, used to tell me “Jy’s drie maar jou bek is sestien”!!! True story – whenever I see her mom she reminds me of this. Scary, how alike Dudie and I are… Even Dude says that we are so similar and that’s why we can get under each other’s skin…

P.P.S. Dudie gets a very limited amount of sweets. Even if he gets a small packet of sweets I remove half before he gets it. That way he think he finished all of it… Sneaky sneaky 🙂

 On Monday 1 April, we did a 5km fun walk/run at the Grove Mall in Lynnwood. We did it in 55 mins 🙂 Yay!!! we got our “A” into ‘G” and started. We are doing the next one on Saturday.

Tomorrow we’re doing the Mazda Athletics Club fun walk/run at 06:40am. Let’s see if we can improve the 55 mins….

Come join us at Exclusive Books, Menlyn

This is NOT a sponsored post. I love books. Dudie loves books. So it goes without saying that i will undoubtedly never ever ever just walk past a bookstore without a quick peek….

Last weekend, Dudie and I popped into Exclusive Books in Menlyn Mall for a kids event. It was the first kids event and i doubt that all the Fanatics members got the message. But that could also be because the message came through rather late. a friendly young lady read Who is King in the Land of Kachoo amongst many other books that kids chose. It was fun watching Dudie listen and participate in making bookmarks. I ended up asking for the ziploc bag to put hisbbookmarks in.

Note to self-remind Dudie that he should leave some supplies for other events too.

This Sunday, 24 March at 10am come along and listen to Pea’s Book of Best Friends by Susie Day. RSVP or call 012-361 6188. And the kids get to make friendship bracelets during this Reading..

See you on Sunday

Spirited Mama

P.S. the young lady also baked yummy cupcakes for the kids. Her treat.

P.P.S. Dude freaks everytime i bring home more books….

Note to self-extend house and build a library

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