Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Habits

Blog content


I have been asked before how I come up with content for my blog. Because sometimes it is witty/funny/helpful and who would have known informative. Well the answer is simple really….

My content is my real life experiences. No really the very thing that you are laughing at is actual events in my life. Sometimes I read my own posts and think whoa I wish that was fiction but then I think I wouldn’t be a Spirited Mama without my Spirited family in My spirited life.

I started my blog as a cheaper alternative to therapy. And yes it has been liberating but it is also an honest reflection of my life as well as my choices in life.

So stick around if you fancy a laugh because I can guarantee it’ll be cheaper than visiting a therapist. You know they say that we all carry our own cross/burden/load well sometimes hearing what others are facing in life can make your load seem lighter.

Spirited Mama

Pass the toilet paper

We go through a crap load of toilet paper monthly and we are only 2 adults and 1 child + resident alien in utero in the Spirited house. I am flabbergasted at the copious amounts of toilet paper we flush away. You know I can literally hear the “ka-ching” sound when I hear the toilet flush.

Considering how I was constipated for the first 4 months of this pregnancy (thankfully that is no longer an issue), I am starting to wonder  can I really make such a big difference in the usage of toilet paper. I pee ALOT. Like all the time. I only buy BabySoft and believe me I have tried to sneak in other brands BUT my family knows the difference. Have you seen the price tag on Toilet Paper??? It costs a fucking fortune only for you to wipe your ass and flush that fortune down the toilet. Literally!

Alas, I will continue to buy the BabySoft as I do think that there are certain “luxuries” that we deserve. We all have certain luxuries/privileges that we are not willing to forgo just to save a buck. (Do you know that my Dude believes he can only eat Woolworths cheese and that Dudie seems to think that he can only eat Lays chips? A post on luxuries/privileges best left for another day.)

Some days I think if the toilet really made the “ka-ching” sound when you flushed it would sound like a Casino in our house.

On that note let me go use the toilet. Please pass the toilet paper.


Spirited Mama

P.S It’s FRIDAY!!!!! I just sat through Dudie’s music concert at school – it was cute to watch the little people perform for the audience. Seems my resident alien enjoyed the music too.

Almost always late

I read this post over at HarassedMom about being late. If anything you need to check her son’s hairdo in this post. Love it! All I can say is that I’m happier just enjoying the moment and not stressing about the fact that I was supposed to be wherever so many minutes ago already…

I feel so much better now. I thought it can’t possibly just be me…that’s late ALL the time!!!! No matter what I do…. Even if I prep the day before…. Or get up hours before everyone else…. Sure as hell we will NOT be on time.

I must add that each and every watch/clock that you encounter in our house will read a different time 🙂 purely to give you a buffer so that you’re not  TOO late for whatever. And also that, when I moved out of my parents house, I vowed that I will NOT rush through life. I will stop and smell the roses…- My mother is beyond punctual!!!pAin in the ass punctual actually – if she says we’re leaving at 7, she leaves at 6:45! True story – ask my husband who was at the time my boyfriend when witnessing this….


Each to his own, I suppose. If you really want me to be punctual then I will be  albeit sans Dude and Dudie. But other than that I will get there when I get there….

I enjoy my moments. I stop to smell the roses.


Spirited Mama

P.S. This post as in my drafts for a while so technically it’s late…. But hey it’s been crazy busy in Spiritville…

P.P.S I’ve recently been rushing my family to get things done or to be on punctual for certain events…. Well, it’s seems t obe rubbing off on Dudie as he tells me on numerous occasions “Mamma, you’re going to make me late” or Are we late? or like this morning “Well Done Mama, we early!” sigh… I try but somedays I just don’t have that extra oomph to get going or to motivate them to move swiftly along, as this is often the case. I’m done. Waiting. Checking and rechecking doors and windows just to give them extra time…

Doctor Dentist dreams

So what does your offspring want to be when they grow up? Or should I ask what are your dreams for your offspring?

Dudie is 3 (Going on 16)turning 4 in October. He is obsessed with rocks/stones… This child collects rocks. He picks them up as he goes on his merry way and they generally end up in my bag/pockets or in Dude’s bakkie etc… But we have rocks from every place that child ha s been too. We sometimes keep the nice ones and sometimes chuck the normal ones into our garden. So we don’t really get rid of them but we redecorate the garden with them. We think he’ll do something in the lines of Archaeology/Geology, but we’ll see. He might just want to cash in on his trust fund… Note to self- start trust fund for Dudie!

Two weeks ago we had a family trip to the Dentist. Now, touch wood, to this very day I do not have a single filling in my mouth. I have all my own teeth. So I’m a happy camper thanks to a minimum of 2 annual trips for general checkups to the dentist all the days I spent under my parents roof. I wanted to preserve Dudie’s teeth and decided that a family trip was necessary. Dude is a bit reluctant a she always ends up making follow up appointments for a cavity/filling oor something…

The Dentist, I found a new one and I really think that we will stick with him for a while even though I have to pay them and then claim a refund from my medical aid – who short pays me R600 for our family trip!!!! Medical Aids suck – but then again I can’t imagine not having it either. The horror! I pay R5795 per month for the 3 of us. Every single month I die a little because quite frankly I could buy a new car/ second property/ have a holiday fund…. But then I console myself with the thought that we can utilise private facilities and that’s what I’m paying for… sigh…

I got the thumbs up from the Dentist. Dudie got a “well done Mom and Dad – this kids got no issues here”. Dude – had to make an appointment to redo a filling and fill a new tiny cavity. As we left – Dudie pipes up “Mamma, no sweets for Daddy” 🙂

Dudie has decided to be  a dentist when he grows up. He makes us sit on a little blue chair and he examines your mouth/teeth and then proceeds to brush/scratch/inspect with his tools (which is a makeup brush set- don’t fret it’s a spare one that is reserved for the dentist). On a different note, on Tuesday he told me he wants to be a doctor whilst we were lying on his bed having a bedtime chat. He then proceeded to stick a dolphin in my ear and a very hard plastic dolphin was lodged in  my right nostril too. I had to be very still so that the stuff would stay put during the exam else he had to re-insert it. And he is not very gentle. I prefer the Dentist child over the Doctor child…

Here’s to good teeth! Now get brushing. Dude says that I’ll brush my teeth away someday 🙂 I think 2minutes to brush is not enough time. I take more like 5 – 10 mins…

Spirited Mama

P.S. One of my best friend’s dad, he passed a way when we were only 7/8 yrs, used to tell me “Jy’s drie maar jou bek is sestien”!!! True story – whenever I see her mom she reminds me of this. Scary, how alike Dudie and I are… Even Dude says that we are so similar and that’s why we can get under each other’s skin…

P.P.S. Dudie gets a very limited amount of sweets. Even if he gets a small packet of sweets I remove half before he gets it. That way he think he finished all of it… Sneaky sneaky 🙂

 On Monday 1 April, we did a 5km fun walk/run at the Grove Mall in Lynnwood. We did it in 55 mins 🙂 Yay!!! we got our “A” into ‘G” and started. We are doing the next one on Saturday.

Tomorrow we’re doing the Mazda Athletics Club fun walk/run at 06:40am. Let’s see if we can improve the 55 mins….

Guaranteed to burn Calories Solution. Even for the least motivated….

As 2013 approached, I heard yet again about probably the most used, most over rated  New Year’s Resolution….. Weight LOss!!!! Really, I scrapped that resolution many many moons ago and I’ve been so much happier ever since.

But now my inbox is flooded with best wishes for 2013 and countless lists of people’s New Year’s Resolutions… And guess what tops it …Yep, WEIGHTLOSS.

So I found a Guaranteed “to Burn Calories” Solution. This is how Women in France burn Calories.

Click here to watch it.

Spirited Mama


P.S. I actually don’t make any New Year’s Resolutions. I generally just spend some quiet time thinking about how and where I’d like my life/my family life to be or go for the year….

IPAD or Samsung Note ???? Help Please

 Ok, so I need some guidance, actually I want your personal experiences, please…..

I’m in two minds about this. On the one hand there’s the hype of “IPAD” and on the other there’s the cost factor of having to “buy” apps for the IPAD. Now apparently, there are many “free” apps available. With Samsung, you can connect to your “normal” devices whereas with IPAD you can only connect with APPLE devices?????

Any technical gurus out there, please help. It is more or less in the same price bracket….

Spirited Mama

P.S. I really don’t want to be stuck with something that’ll just become a “white elephant”….


Observations in my home

I started this week on such a high, I was planning to just chillax… If you haven’t yet done so read about it here.

Sadly, that dream was shortlived!!!!! As I had back to back meetings and all kids of emergencies not long after I published that post… (Murphy!!!! Eff off)

So, today it occurred to me that certain things are happening, and in the throes of life we get so busy that things go unnoticed…. But as I’ve decided to make an effort to take in my environment, this is what I’ve observed:

1. Conversations take place whilst I’m in the lavatory! (Dude & Dudie always have something to tell me when I’m in the lavatory… I’m not kidding. I’ve mentioned this to them and Dudie cried crocodile tears cos I don’t want to leave the door open and he wants to see me. After Dude explained that it’s my decision to close the door and he should respect that, he now just comes to knock or randomly screams… Are you ok mamma?)

2. Dudie breaks every single crayon in half before he uses them. Even the brand new ones that just came out of the box… Sigh… I have no idea why he does this.

3. Dude is decluttering….. his stuff that’s standing around anyway so it makes sense… He feels that he can’t handle all the stuff being everywhere. But it is in fact him who put it there/left it there/or decided to not put it away…

4. These days we eat more vegetables than before.

5. We eat less junk food/snacks/take aways.

6. You can feel the holiday spirit! Whoop Whoop

7. Alcoholic beverages are increasing. ( After Dudie went to bed on Saturday, Dude & I had a mini shooter party at home 🙂 I did feel like crap when Dudie woke us on Sunday, 6:45am, to say “wake up guys. Let’s go to Church!” So we eventually got to church, very late, but we made it. And had a KFC drive thru breakfast on the way home.)

8. I’m constantly looking for deals/specials/shopping trips…. I feel like shopping ALL the time

9. I bought some Sloggi undies and man oh man it feels like liquid silk on my @$$. LOL. It really does wonders when you wear new undies. Well fr me, at least.

10. Dudie wrote a letter to Santa. Well I wrote it for him. He had a long list of really inexpensive gifts so I guess I’ll indulge him. (We wrote the letter after he had a meltdown in Makro over some stupid watergun thing. I do believe that we have more than enough of those but my child seems to think otherwise. So I suggested a letter to Santa. All smiles by the time we left Makro. ) Oh one of the items that Santa has to bring is Ferrero Rocher chocolates. My kid loves chocolate just like me 🙂

Have a great day. I’m counting the last working days…

Spirited Mama

My morning drink

So you may have read about my choice of coffee here. Yes, I’m besotted with Jacobs Kronung… But today was a total fail…

I woke up late so my usual routine was off balance. My feng shui was out of sync….

I make my Dudie’s coffee; he has milo and believes that when Mom & Dad have coffee so should he. <Oh the joys. I wonder what he’ll do when he realizes what real coffee tastes like.>

As I make Dudie’s cuppa, I make my coffee. This is how it went down:

  1. I add ½ a teaspoon of sugar to Dudie’s cup and to mine – Err, Problem – I don’t take sugar.
  2. I add Kilo to Dudie’s cup and mine – Err, I already added Jacobs Kronung to my cup and now MILO….
  3. I assess the situation and decided “whatever” and proceed to add hot water and milk…

We make our way out the door and head off to school and work. Dudie loved his coffee this morning as I do not always add sugar… <I don’t give my kid sugar willingly/easily>

I drop him at school and I start my trek to work. I get on the highway; take a sip gulp of my coffee/milo… And nearly veer off the road! I kid you not. It tasted horrible. I’m not sure if I should’ve added more coffee or more milo. It tasted like a cheap instant coffee that was watered down way way way too much!

I am at the Office and on my way to go and get a CUPPACCINO with CREAM! I need a pick me upper…


P.S. Other than that mishap, my day has been splendid. Granted, we were late but we are happy, safe and alive.

P.P.S It’s so awesome coming home to a husband who’s cooking a pot of soup and the fire is burning… Just the way my granny grew up except, she was the one making the soup and lighting the fire. Bwhahahaha

P.P.S. Both Dude & I have full time JOBS but he gets home and hour before me. He’s so helpful around the house. Don’t fret – he gets his rewards…

Jacobs Coffee……. What’s your forte?

Coffee and me

I used to be addicted to coffee. In my youthful stage, I lived on coffee, coca cola, chocolate and cigarettes…

<I don’t do decaf – its like smoking a light cigarette because it’s healthier… Really! That’s a fucked up analogy in my book>

Then I kinda became an adult and thought ok, now I need to watch what I eat ‘cos my metabolism is no longer working on its own. I need to get that Bitch to work again with minimal effort from my side. So I cut down on coffee. I love the rest way way way too much. So I cut down from 12 cups to 4. And then 2. And then at some stage none.

I gave up sugar 3 yrs ago, so no sugar in my tea/coffee. My reasoning was that I eat chocolate almost daily so I really don’t need the extra sugar. I really don’t miss the sugar at all.

<I don’t even give Dudie sugar. He gets black sugarless rooibos or sugarless milo or sugarless cereal. My Dude, of course dies a small death ‘cos he feels that the child needs that sugar but I justify it with the fruit juices and chocolate that he ingests. This boy loves chocolate almost as much as I do.>

Why Jacob’s Coffee?

Now, coming back to coffee! I can’t stomach cheap coffee. And yes, I would donate an organ to buy the Jacobs coffee we so faithfully buy. When it looks as if we’re low,  half way through the jar, on coffee I have a mini anxiety attack and dash to shop to get some more. As you know, Murphy likes to fuck up my day and I’ve driven around way too often looking for Jacobs coffee. So when we got back from Cape Town, I realized that the coffee was finished! I had my anxiety attack and then had two choices…

  1. Have some Ricoffy – Dude’s employer gave them a moerse tin and a 2kg sugar – fuck knows why.
  2. Have the last sachet of Nescafé that I took  at the Conference venue when my office went on a Strategic Planning Session.

I chose option 2!!!! Before Dude could! And when Dude asked: “Where’s the Coffee?” I answered: “There’s some refreshing Ricoffy in the cupboard”. He gave me the evil eye as he explained that he wanted needed Jacobs…

<I just had a light bulb moment – I will contact the good people at Jacobs and just open an account. That way they can debit my bank account and I always have coffee. Wonder if I can arrange terms???>

So what’s your favourite coffee?

Spirited Mama

P.S. Remind me to tell you about the fraudulent activity that has taken place on my Credit Card. Sigh, I need to wait a day or two for a replacement card. Do these peeps not know how many awesome deals I’m missing out on Groupon. My Dude refuses to borrow me his card!

I’m in the job market again

Karma, I’m putting myself out there in the hopes that I’ll find a J.O.B closer to home. SOON. For my own sanity.

I think I found a temporary solution. This will allow me the flexibility to work around the little man’s schedule and pay me a salary and I’ll so luvvvvvvvvv this job. Can I do this from home?

I could just become a chocolate taster? Serious! Any vacancies out there?

Cadburys / Nestle/ Lindt/ Anyone in the chocolate industry can email me.

<The cadburys link appears to be broken?>

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