Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

And then I won! A real prize, this time

Stacey at There’s a lionheart in our Bath tub! has made me a winner wena! (I’m not sure what it means but that’s what is said in South Africa).

When I saw my email yesterday it read “Hey there, You’ve won!” I was doing a happy dance and was bouncing up and down on my chair and then I thought “What if she made a mistake and the email was not for me”. “What if I’m not the winner?” Immediately, I emailed her to say thank you and just to put my heart at ease that I did in fact win the prize.

Stacey, thank you so much. I’ve embarked on a “Loving me Journey”. I’ve detoxed. Now I’m going to tone. And hopefully come end of April, I will be rocking my size 32 Levi’s down in Cape Town.

<Yes, last month I could wear them and then something happened. Not sure what. I keep reminding my Dude to not put my Levi’s in the tumble dryer, but he never listens…>


This is what I’ve won. Mama MioToning Serum!!!!!  I’m so excited to try this. I feel like a 2yr old child who was just told that they could do something that they were always told not to do.

i’ve EaRned mY StripeS

I absolutely love this quote! I’m happy to report that I embrace my mommy tattoos, as I like to call them, with all most of my heart. And not too long ago I was rocking my bikini, mommy tattoos and all, whilst on holiday. I think that my Dude found my confidence SeXy!

Cape Town. Here we come

I just looked at my calendar and realised that in 17/18 days we’re getting on a train to Cape Town. It’s so exciting!!!! Dudie who’s excited but I needed to remember this feeling that I have now before I see my mother and mother in law! Before they do what they do best and fck up my happy mood!>

We’ll be departing Park station on Friday 27 April at midday to arrive in Cape Town on Saturday, early afternoon.  We’ll be taking the Red topless tour bus in Cape Town on Sunday to the Waterfront and hopefully ending it off with a sunset cruise in Hout Bay. Then we get to make memories with some family we haven’t seen in a while! And on Monday evening we’ll fly back to Gauteng. Dudie we planned this for you. We’re indulging You!>

P.S. I had a dream about confronting my mother and mother in law for disrespecting my parenting style with Dudie. They do this all the time and I’ve decided enough is enough. I don’t need to be liked by either of them!

Does your mother and or mother in law respect you as a parent? Or do they know best seeing as how they’ve raised grown kids.



Today, I am deaf to the world ( I choose to be)


I stole borrowed this picture from justbetweencousins and thought that this is exactly how I feel today. I have no ears. Today, I am deaf to the world, including Dudie and Dude!  

Today, I choose NOT to hear anything

So Easter has come and gone and boy was it a busy jam packed four days. In South Africa, we celebrate Good Friday (it’s a public holiday), Easter Sunday and Easter Monday (another public holiday).  Did I mention that Dude had to work all weekend, including Good Friday and Easter Monday….

<Dude has an awesome super important job and if it wasn’t for him and the other employees most of you would not see your relatives or go on holiday breaks etc. <Dude works mostly over all the important holidays, e.g. Easter/ Christmas/school holidays. I’ll tell you more about how we take family holidays during school terms on another day. For now, it works as Dudie is not bound to school terms yet. So we get to gallivant whilst everyone else is working.>

So I left work early (11:30am) on Thursday to collect the Dudie and we headed off to the shops for a few groceries and some chocolate bunnies. All goes well until we get to the shop and Dudie knods off as I enter the parking lot. <He obviously did not have nap time at school as they finished early.> I decide to put him in his pram and dash through the shop as I only need 1 or 2 items. Blah Blah Blah. I’m a shopaholic and I cannot do 5 minutes in a shop. I need at least 30 minutes! So whilst Dudie was having a shit fit about wanting to watch “Happy Feet” – I think the shops are out to get me, why would you put on a fucking movie for all the kids to go ape shit about – I was tempted to ask the security guard to just watch Dudie, in his pram, whilst I go through the isles – I got my items. I stacked items below, on top and behind this child and when we got to the check out counter you should have seen the amazement of the shop assistant – I had quite a few items to unpack – and they were all neatly stored in my son’s pram. So we headed home where I carefully transferred sleeping child to bed and low and behold he managed to sleep a full 15 minutes. OMG! I took it in my stride and remained calm. I let him climb the burglar bars in the lounge whilst I made sandwiches. We watched Happy feet – we’ve watched the 1st and 2nd one a gazillion times – and ate sweets and had milkshake and happy times.  We also ate peanut butter straight from the jar with our special spoons.

I love spending time with Dudie.

BUT, I think I may have over done it – spending time with him. Right now, Dudie and I are sensitive towards each other. I need a time out. I now realise why some moms people have so much alcohol in their house!

Friday:                  Lunch with Friends

Saturday:             Farmer’s market and shops. And when Dude came home, we went to play games at the mall. We even went out for Dinner, with a very trying toddler.

Sunday:                Service of Light at Church (5:30am – Dudie woke at 5am and then I decided that we’re up so we might as well get going to church early)

Breakfast at church

Lunch at the Botanical Gardens

Monday:              We slept late – Dudie & I. Albeit Dudie interrupted my sleep from midnight. We got up at 9am. That’s sleeping late to me>

Easter egg hunt and lunch with my cousin and her family.   <I love how they love Dudie. How they soak him up.>

I have told Dude that I need a break. This child of mine drains me physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc. I love him but right now I need a break. I don’t want to talk. I want to sit here, browse the internet, blog, read blogs and eat my lunch. It’s cold in Gauteng, but still sunny. I’m looking forward to tonight , Dude will be making a fire and I hopefully get to curl up with a glass of wine and my book whilst Dude takes care of Dudie. A girl can dream…

What did you get up too?

Spirited Mama

P.S. Hats off to single parents. Oh, and we thank God daily for his school in our prayers. He even says “tank you for school”

And this is the day before Good Friday…

I normally get up around 5am, but most days I sleep until 5:40am. If I do that disaster strikes, as then it becomes like those trolley dash competitions in my house. I literally fly through everything and on the trip to work; I get to second guess myself wondering if I locked everything.

Today was ok until I decided to get out of bed. I slept in Dudie’s bed as he woke up crying at 1am and I was not prepared to take him to our room. His room is so much warmer. So Dude comes to greet us before he leaves, and under my breath I mumbled “Do not wake This child”.

2yrold is no fun. For the record, I did not co-sleep. It was not my style. Some days I want to kick Dude out of our bed too. You, the parent, do not sleep properly. You get kicked and slapped (not intentionally – my child is a restless sleeper) and basically you feel more tired than you did before you went to bed.>

I get up, as quietly as I possibly could, but Dudie was up before my feet even touched the ground! I like the quiet time before he wakes. I get to shower, make coffee, pack the car, do what I need to do, and then wake Dudie and get him ready. When he wakes with me or before I’m ready for him – I’m screwed. So this is how it went down this morning;

5:20am                 Mama & Dudie get up. Mama wants to shower so I bribe the child with a DVD and some milk. Luckily before I got in the shower he tells me that he needs the toilet. <He has cried for the toilet before – and it’s not a pretty sight when I have to jump out the shower half soaped/face wash in my eyes as I have not rinsed yet.> Lightbulb moment, put child on toilet and I have a 5min shower. I pulled the door a bit so that the steam could escape but I could still supervise Dudie. Problem was that when I rinsed and decided to get out the shower the kid had disappeared. I found half a roll of toilet paper on the floor. The toilet was not flushed. And I’m damn sure he didn’t wash his hands. So I set off to find him, remember I’m dripping water all over the house. I find this child of mine in the kitchen getting chocolate out of the cupboard so that he can go sit in his room and watch his movie. We I, flush toilet, wash his hands, give him vitamins and decided stuff it, I’m going to get ready for today and Dudie will do what he does best. He will be a 2yr old.

30 mins later, I’m good to go and get Dudie ready. As we left, I spent 10mins looking for one of the dogs – who was hiding behind some shrubs in the garden. I thought she got out when Dude left but thought that it wasn’t possible as they never go out the gate. So I found her snuggled and still sleeping in the garden – next to her fkn kennel!

I was late but only a few minutes. It’s all good and I’ve decided that I am in no mood to work so I’m now shopping online. I’ve decide to take half day. So I’m picking up Dudie at 12:00 and then we’re going chocolate shopping. We I want need more Easter eggs. My Dude will be home sometime today – I’m doing the nah nah nah nah ‘cos I’ll be home way before him, well that’s depends on how long we’re shopping. He’s always home before me.

We’ll be attending mass at 7pm tonight. What will you be doing?

We’re spending the long weekend at home. Be safe everyone.

P.S. I hate being on the road when it’s holidays…

Update on Detoxing…

So the detoxing has been going strong since Tuesday and I finish on Sunday, 1 April.

BWAHAHAHA! I’ll be lighter on April fool’s day>

Quick update:

I’ve followed my diet and on Sunday morning I got on the scale… I was 6kg’s lighter. I shit you not. 6kg’s. One thing that I did differently this time was increase my water intake from 2 – 3L per day. I’m currently on 4 – 5l per day and I don’t even realise it.

My clothes fit better. My skin feels and looks better. And I feel better. Nothing like getting on the scale and it stops before the mark that you’ve anticipated.

So, in essence, I need to lose 4kg’s this week. Remember I said that I’d be happy to lose 10kg’s instead of the 16kg’s that that specialist cow told me about! Enough said. Let me eat my lunch!Steak and salad!!!!

Tomorrow is a holiday

So tomorrow is Human Right’s Day in South Africa. And as a citizen I get the day off. Yep, it’s an official H.o.l.i.d.a.y!

I’m not going to give you a lecture about the history of South Africa and how we got to a public holiday. Most us don’t know the history/don’t care/just want the day off! <Use what’s relevant to you to justify your day off>

I’m exercising my Human Right tomorrow and will be doing my hair at a real salon and then doing some shopping at the Woolies Quality Sale.

<Tomorrow, it’s 75% off>

P.S. The kids get the day off from school too. I think that we need to change that ruling. The kids and the teachers get so many holidays. Why do they need a day off when th erest of the working class get a day off. Just saying…

P.P.S Daddy Dude is on child duty!


Enjoy your day off. I’m already starting to go slow at work!!!!!

Hip Hip Human Right’s Day!!!

I’m detoxing…

I’ve decided to follow a little two-week detox program. You know that infamous bullshit 13 day metabolism diet…. Well, I did almost 2yrs ago albeit I cheated here and there, but I still lost 8kgs.

Background – Two weeks ago, I saw a specialist person about my physique… She advised that for my physique, considering height and all those unicorns, I need to lose 16kgs.

<We were on holiday for a week and I gained 2-3kgs. I can feel it on my hips.>

So this is how I decided that I need to take action. And we’ll be visiting Cape Town at the end of April. Need want to get back into my Levi’s…

<I’ve always been on the trim side of life but after having my son, it’s not as easy to just shed those unwanted kilograms.>

This brings me back to my 13 day challenge. It’s advisable to start on a Sunday, then you only have one miserable weekend to deal with. I was going start this on Sunday but because my Dude couldn’t make up his fuckin mind when we’re going for our Sunday buffet lunch, I have a voucher, my plans were skewed! Along with other fck ups, I’ve now started today, Tuesday 20 March. Perfect! I finish on Sunday 1 April. So I have 2 weekends to deal with…

Today’s menu:

Breakfast – Black coffee, no sugar ( No problem as I gave up sugar in tea/coffee 3yrs ago- don’t even miss it. I do get alot of sugar in my chocolate though hence why the bitter coffee)

Lunch –  2 boiled eggs and cooked spinach (I’m going to zap my spinach in the microwave)

Dinner – Grilled steak ONLY!

It’s 9am and I’ve consumed 1L of water and 3 cups of black coffee. I need to pee all the time…..

So here’s to me. I’m detoxing and hoping to be 10kgs lighter after day 13! And I can’t wait to slip back into my Levi’s.

P.S. If followed correctly, you can lose 9 – 12 kgs.  I’ll update when the challenge is over. And no, I do not do before and after pictures.

P.P.S. I’m not a gym person but I swim regularly (maybe twice a year). Do you know that when you have a swimming pool it’s so much effort to drag your behind into that pool. It’s easier to lie next to it and dream about getting into shape. We also have one of those exercise bikes. I used to cycle 10km’s a day. Then I stopped… Last night I thought I’d try again. I could only manage 2km’s… I also found my skipping rope. My son laughed hi a.s.s off when I was gasping for breath. After 30 seconds fo jumping.

P.P.S. I need to get fit again.

So you’re a boy and Mommy’s a girl

What makes me a girl and you a boy?

I’ve heard about it and quietly read the debates/discussions about when to talk to your child about s.e.x. When do they start noticing the difference between girls and boys. I have a 29 month old and Oh my Gloria he is inquisitive! My Dude seems to think that I shouldn’t be telling Dudie that Mommy has a vag.ina but I beg to differ.

<I think that’s why I have issues ‘cos when I was growing up it was all hush hush! Why can’t we just be honest and just call a vag.ina a vag.ina and so forth>

I’ve always walked out the shower naked. And Dudie is of the nature that he doesn’t even notice my wobbly a.s.s going pass him. He used to stare at my milk glands and all I use to say was ” Dudie that’s where you’re milk came from.”

Anyway, yesterday he asked ” what that Mommy?” I responded “my vag.ina.” Mommy is a girl and Dudie is a boy. And that was the end of it.

I don’t get why people fuss about gen.ital.ia. What’s the big deal?

Spirited Mama

P.S. This might be why I have issues. It was always hush hush when I grew up.

Do you tell your child the truth about girls vs boys?

Fear of the Unknown

So Dudie has graduated to his big boy bed. And quite frankly, I’m scared of what’s to come! Do we now have to remove all keys in fear of child getting out of his in the middle of the night? Or trip the electricity in case this child finds that one dreaded plug that doesn’t have a child protective cover? What if he let’s the dogs in? What if he drinks water out of the fishtank or toilet? What if he uses his step stool to get the knife and run around the house like CHUCKY????

You see where this is going…

I know that I am a paranoid parent but this can happen… So it was the greatest achievement yet when Dudie could get out of his cot. Secretly, I think he’s been doing it fo ra while without us knowing about it. I mean, how does the child just appear next to you when you know you left him in his cot? So on Saturday, I tell the helper to please just keep an eye on him as I need to jump in the shower quickly. I get out of shower and the two are happily playing with the ball . Fast forward to afternoon, and I put Dudie down fo ra nap. Dude pies up, “Why is it so quiet in the room?” We check and sure as hell his half way out the cot. So we move back and wait in the living room. Trues bob ” Dudie annouces ” Mommy get out the cot!” And so it went until he eventualy fell asleep at 5:30ish and woke on Sunday at 6:03AM!

Heaven – because he slept straight through. Normally he would wake, bath, eat and then sleep but not this time.

Hell – Dudie woke me at 6:03AM for porridge! Again, he climbed out the cot. Everytime he would ask to get in the cot just so that he could climb out.

So now, I lie awake, seriously, wondering when/what this child will get up to next.

P.S. Saturday at 10am I thought that Dudie and I could catch a snooze, him in the cot and me on his bed. Boy was I wrong. I dosed off, he climbed out the cot. When I opened my eyes (I promise it wasn’t even 2mins – I could see that on the movie time):

The house was full of toilet paper.

The kitchen floor was wet.

My dudie was standing at the bedside attempting to brush MY teeth.


P.P.S My Dude had to go to work for bit. WHen asked how our morning was I said… “Great. We played and watched a movie…”

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