Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

A walk in the Zoo

I’ve been meaning to take Dudie to the Pretoria Zoo for a while now but the weather has been rather iffy. It’s chilly in the morning but gloriously wonderful in the afternoon. We used to do the Funwalk in the Zoo monthly, even whilst I was pregnant. Then I gave birth, and in between surviving a new born and trying to be civil in my marriage(think that sleep deprivation does not suit either myself or Dude), and  Winter approaching I decided to hold off on the funwalks.

Well, we did pick it up again but then somehow it fell through the cracks again. Generally we have a “wing it attitude” over most weekends. But our special moment, every Saturday(or only if Mommy can really fall out of bed) is visiting the Pretoria Boeremark.

They start at 5am, and no there is no way in hell that I will be there at 5am. Albeit, I have been there at 6am on occasion. Lately, we get there anytime from 8am. They generally pack up after 10am. It’s fun. It’s great. And it’s refreshing.

Our ritual could be either:

1. Mommy buys the weeks fresh produce. Dudie gets to pull/push the rented trolley thing. Or he just happily sits in it and I have to pull/push him, shove a dozen things into my shopper bag and walk through a really crowded space. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.

2. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.

This is my Happy Space! And I indulge in it a bit longer every Saturday. Because the weather is good and the Dudie loves just being there. Even the Dude loves being there, on the weekends that he is home.

Oh, did I mention that I live 10 steps away from this market 🙂

Back to the Zoo, with warmer days approaching, I think it’s time for a trip to the Zoo again. Last time we went on the skytrain. I think I had more fun than Dudie….

P.S. Last week Sunday we visited the Mclaren Circus and Dude mentioned that it’s as if we came to the circus for me. I was that excited 🙂


Happy Friday Folks! Have an awesome weekend.

I’ve been trying to motivate myself. The progress is a story for another day but let me share some random inspirations & funnies with you…






























Funny, how I’m finding all the food related quirks…. Could it be ‘cos I’m thinking about watching what I eat, and I need to start exercising… Murphy—————–Piss off!

Happy Friday Folks.

Gloria knows that I would not have made it through another working day this week.



When Life happens

Life lately

Ok, maybe you’ve noticed that I’m in a bit of a “challenging space” in my head, it seems. And maybe you haven’t. That too is ok. We’re all human and like John Lennon said “life is what happens when you’re making other plans” or something to that effect. I’ve been pinning things/emotions/ideas/solutions/problems/etc in my head. I’m not kidding, my head is buzzing. Non Stop. I literally wake during the night processing my thoughts…. WTF!

I’ve realised that I’m delusional. I set an alarm to wake 45 mins earlier so as to squeeze in a 30min exercise session. At home. I am not a gym person, so we’ve semi converted my Dude’s lapa into our mini workout area. Trick is that no one has really actively used the workout area since… I can’t even remember when. My Dude has decided that maybe we convert our spare bedroom into our “new” workout area… Great plan! I have all these ideas about making it all funky and stuff. But will we use it? I don’t know… He probably will, I on the other hand will have a million excuses not to 🙂

Life happens

On that note, I need/want to get into shape. And I’ve decided that Winter 2012 is when I’ll pull myself towards myself and just DO IT! Well, The alarm was set on Sunday evening. Morning morning I snoozed until past the time I needed to get ready for work. Tuesday, same shit different day. Wednesday, well I attempted to lift my lovely Feather Down Duvet off me and quickly decided that tomorrow is another day. Who said you need to start a fitness programme on a Monday? Why can’t it start Thursday….

I still hear voices

On the thoughts in my head, I’m getting there. I’m battling with myself and it seems I’m losing the fight. I’ve realised that after a lengthy discussion with a relative, I’ve opened up some wounds. In me. I’m raw. And I’m trying to cover it up. It creeps through. I’m not sure how to deal with it. I’ve been picking up my pieces as I go along my day/days. I’m emotionally tired/ Spiritually drained. Physically, I’m exhausted.  But I kick my self under the butt each morning to get going.

I see the change in my behaviour, and I don’t like it. I’m less patient. Less tolerant. Abrupt. Sarcastic. I’m trying to change it. But I don’t handle change well. Why I don’t know. I just don’t.









As if I don’t have enough to deal with, I/we are also looking for a new school for Dudie. He has outgrown his current school. I/we can see that he needs more….

Spirited Mama

Friday Funnies

Just to kick start the day.

Did you know that it’s Friday the 13th?????

Personally, I’m not superstitious but my Dude is.

Are you?

P.S. What I noticed it  that my morning events were a bit skewed but I took it in my stride, laughed it off and now I’m my merry self!

P.P.S I need to take the car for a valet because of the morning events. I backed out the driveway and forgot to remove the coffee from the dashboard. It was a bit chaotic as we were running late. Well, the coffee spilled over the passenger seat. Then Dudie pipes up “Mommy I messed”. Well he messed his pancake in the back and when I took him out of his car seat, there was toothpaste everywhere…. Ai, he insisted on brushing his teeth in the car.







This is why I’ll never dive professionally. Phew! I can barely swim properly… LMAO









Oh Thank Gloria, I’m well insulated. Heaven forbid she should fall…







Prison break. LMAO.


Happy Friday folks!

P.P.P.S  I’m busy with a Spanish course. Oh my, I’m so confused…I’ve got an online tutor too. Everyone walking in the office looks at me as if I’m weird ‘cos I’m trying to repeat the Spanish phrases….

Ta DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I am trying to get myself out of somewhat of a “bad” space. It’s mostly in my head but it’s there none the less. <I’m not my usual “happy camper” self and the effects are rubbing off onto my family. Trouble is, I just couldn’t put a finger on it and say “Ta Da! That’s what’s wrong or needs fixing.>

I’ve decided that for the sake of the greater good maybe I should just abstain from blogging as my equilibrium was/is shifting. And I really did not want to rant/vent here.


I’ve been finding it a tad bit difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel. But let me assure myself that I see a faint one none the less. And I think that with perseverance and hard work, I just might get closer and closer to that light. Mommy.ville has been challenging as Dudie challenges me around each and every corner. I very rarely give a pat on the bum/hand as I prefer the “1-2-3 time-out” method.  This was going swimmingly until recently. When I start with 1, he says 2-3 and then waits for my response. My response now is 1 – get the chair and put in time-out. I don’t even get to 2.

Wife.ville has been challenging. Dude is feeling neglected. He doesn’t feel the sense of “belonging”. I get that. And I’ve taken stock as to how/where tis happens. Oh my Gloria, it happens so easily. I get on with “my stuff” without him. And I feel less guilty when he’s working on a weekend as I then have justification for my behaviour. I’m trotting into dangerous territory here, as we had a very blunt argument/venting discussion about it.  I’m numb to the core. Part of me wants to be a stubborn biatch and tell him to go fck himself but when I think about how I feel about him, I’m seriously not willing to part ways with him. I really need to work at my marriage!

Work has been work. Filled with mundane tasks yet also I feel that my cup desk runneth over with admin. I’m yet to sort out some crap with some people.

 I’ve assessed my situation, and it’s pretty fcked up. If you walked in my front door tomorrow, you’d think that we were a well balanced household. I’m a crafty wife too. But on the back burner, if you stayed awhile and paid attention, you’d see that I’m actually finding it extremely difficult to balance life/marriage/mommy.ville/work/etc….

 Something’s gotta give. And for a while it’s been work. And my Dude. I need to fix this. Work can stay exactly where it is. But I need to fix my relationship with Dude.

 <We’ve been existing in the same house. How is that even possible? Just putting these thoughts out is making me emotional again. I don’t want to exist. I want to live!>


Some random bullets about what’s been happening in the land of the Spirited.

  • Last week my family(Gran, Aunt, Uncle, 3kids) came to visit us. OH my Dudie soaked up my Grandma and in turn she soaked him up too. I loved how they loved being together. And I *cringe* when he asks, which is daily, when she’s coming back. (Did I mention that our families live in Cape Town?)
  • My BB’s handset died. So now I’m hoping that Vodacom can sort out the problem speedily so that I can have my phone back. (I miss my camera! That phone takes awesome pictures.)
  • I have overspent my budget(on food)…. Story of my life. If you know me, then you’ll know that I buy food like there’s no tomorrow. I like variety and if my boys want something, I very rarely have to say “I need to go to the shop to get it”.
  • I’m still looking for  a job closer to home. (Jobs are scarce or I’m just not connected that way)
  • Today, I had a very very slow Monday
  • I need to just use some of my savings to book tickets to CPT again….
  • My relationship with my brother is growing stronger and stronger. ( I love how he wants me to be part of his life and his little family)
  • I really need to do something about my weight. ( I need to run/join a gym/watch what I eat/lose some weight)
  • I did a mini shopping spree for me(happy dance)
  • I’m getting my increase the end of the month!!!!!!!
  • I’ve been drooling over Shoes(shooshoos, froggies, hushpuppies)
  • I’ve been drooling over kids clothing online(naartjie, seven ounce, earthchild, etc)
  • Today was not a very productive day in terms of my day job….
  • I need to finish some craft projects that I’ve been staring at…

Enough of me for today. I’ve felt slightly bewildered lately. Luckily in a good way.

Friday Funnies

























Prison Break!

Have a Good Friday, Peeps.

I need a laugh, badly!!!!!!!!!

Words for Women to Live By

  •  Aspire to be Barbie – the bitch has everything
  • If the shoe fits – buy them in every color
  • Take life with a pinch of salt… A wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila
  • When life gets you down – just put on your big girl panties and deal with it(Baawwwaaahahahahahahaha)
  • Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality
  • I know I’m in my own little world, but it’s ok. They know me here
  • Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself
  • Remember, wherever there is a good looking, sweet, single or married man there is some woman tired of his bullshit!
  • Keep your chin up, only the first 40 years of parenthood are the hardest
  • If it has Tyres or Testicles it’s gonna give you trouble
  • By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she’s wrong
  •  ‘Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live for today’. Now smile and send to any girl suffering from a hangover, or just suffering from life, who might need a reason to smile!

P.S. I’m having a really difficult time at work with my Senior. I seriously need to sit this woman down and tell her to get off her high horse!!!! She has an aura of “Self-importance” that I bet you’ll be blown away by. It.Is. That.Bad….. The Head of Dept just took me out for a coffee ‘cos she said that she can see that I’m going to explode….

P.P.S I got this in am email so have no idea where it stems from. Cheers to the Author!

My Child, My Rules!

I decided to do a quick update on my MIL (mother in law).

Does your child play by the rules?

A few weeks ago we were in Cape Town. Dudie was getting a bit out of hand unruly so I calmly remind him that he will have a time-out soon, should he not change his behaviour for the better. Well, if you know my parenting style I only give three warnings and that’s that! No negotiating.

I will not be embarrassed by a tantrum throwing toddler anywhere. I’ve put Dudie in time-out in a restaurant, at friend’s homes, etc… My Dudie knows that I don’t make idle threats! Period!

If it’s not my house, does my rules not apply?

So at Ouma’s (Grandma) house, it seems that my child thinks that I will miraculously just let him free…. As the time passed, Dudie started pushing boundaries. Coincidentally, my friend who was visiting, was telling us (me, Ouma, My mom) about how her mom let’s her daughter(she’s 7 months younger than Dudie) do whatever she wants in her house. Her mom tells her *ahem* ‘My house, My Rules! With my jaw on the floor – OMG! My response “WTF”?

I put Dudie in time-out. And of course he has that ugly snot cry calling Ouma come fetch me… Blah Blah Blah. This has happened before and Ouma and an Aunt actually went to his aid. From now on I stand guard when Dudie is in time-out. 🙂 <They cringe when they see me standing there>

My child, my rules

So my MIL jumped on board saying that she doesn’t like that Dudie gets time-outs in her house. This is her house. I respond with; “Well, I’m not letting this child run wild then I have to discipline him when I get home”. And that was the end of it! No negotiating. Dudie gets his time-outs when he deserves them and everyone knows NOT to interfere with my discipline…..

Spirited Mama

How do you handle your Mother and MIL?

P.S. My mother just looked away when I responded. She knows not to interfere.

P.P.S When I told my Dude what happened, he cracked himself. Bear in mind this is his mother we’re talking about. He said that I should’ve told her “My Child, My Rules!!!!



Fruit is NOT his favourite

Fruit is not high on his list

FF = Fruit Fail!!!! (I’m coming up with new terminology daily)

I *heart* fruit and whilst I was preggars, I ate so much fruit until someone warned me about pregnancy related diabetes…  But I still *heart* fruit. Even now I’m munching on an apple. And I have a banana lined up for later.

I have a 2yr old who wants to die when I offer him fruit. I know for a fact that he eats it at school, so I’m not too stressed that he doesn’t eat it at home. But I’ve come across Fruit Pack. A fruit pureé that is package like a juice…… (I’m starting to smile). Just maybe I can pull this off and add to my “mommy bag of tricks”.

Fruit on the go

Fruit pack – fruit on the go

On Saturday, we skipped off to our Baby City for the usual:

Nappies (thanks to the Pampers bale packs), wetwipes, bubblewash and Fruit Pack.  I decided to get the apple and pear. I think you need to come up with a variety pack so that Dudie can experiment with all the flavours. Well, I showed it to the Dudie. His face lights up and he takes his first gulp. I hold my breath as I can see him swirling that pureé in his mouth and it looks like he’s about to spit it out. But alas, he swallows and say, mmmmmm.

Success! I have now decided that I will be doing fruit packs in his treat box. And this is what today looked like:

P.S. If anyone working for Fruit Pack reads this, please do a variety pack too.

P.P.S Dudie gets all meals and snacks at school but I still pack a treat box everyday. And I love the fact that he looks forward to his treats.

P.P.P.S When will this child just stop using nappies already? He says when he wants to use the loo and then happily comments “see nothing in nappy”. WTF?

Spirited Mama

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