Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

My weekend face

Happy Friday folks.

P.S. I have taken study leave on Monday. So I have a loonnng weekend of studying….

To FaceBook or Not????

So I have reluctantly created a FaceBook page for my BloG…. Do with it what you may…. No really it’s your choice.

But this is where you can stalk me too http://www.facebook.com/spirit.mam

Happy and fairy dust to you all….


So I’ve worked my a$$ off to get great marks for my assignments and knowing that they count towards my year mark, I knew I had to do well. So the results are in:




Last result – still pending – but I have a good feeling about it.

So I’ve patted myself on the back and rewarded myself

So now I keep my head down in my books. Exams are fast approaching. So if I’m not here often, please note that I will be buried under my books.

Ciao for now….

Any takers…..

I need a bank account makeover. Like seriously! If I want to get my hands onto a few beauties, I need a volunteer to contribute to my bank account….. I’ve been oohing and ahhing over these but I can’t decide what takes preference right now. I really can’t justify spending a small fortune when I could and really should be making some wise better financial decisions….

But really how gorgeous are these:

Tip: You can find them over at ZANDO













P.S. Are there any tech savvy people out there who can assist with ads and wordpress compatability? I am just NOT that person. And it’s nerve wrecking….

After Parties and fairies

So Dudie turned 3! We did a small intimate lunch on Sunday at home. The weather was awesome and we had the jumpolene out too. Thank Gloria, no one requested to swim ‘cos Dudie still has a post nasal drip cough thing going on… Anyone know what I can give a 3yr old who suffers with Sinusitis… ( I really don’t want him on long term meds but even I have to take antihistamine daily…)

After everyone left, we hurriedly gave an overstimulated and exhausted but very happy Dudie a bath. He fell asleep whilst I was dressing him. He truly was sound asleep as the dogs kept barking at his window but he didn’t even bat an eyelash.

On Monday, we slept a tad later… Dudie and I had breakfast together and I took him to school for his official party. We took cupcakes, chips, juice and fruit squares…. He loved it. They even made him a special birthday crown. On Monday afternoon, he got  to open his gifts and we had left over cake AND ice-cream. Together. For Dinner. Not as we had hotdogs too…………. We really over did it. And I can feel that my black pants had to stretch over my thighs this morning. Our baker, my friend’s 11yr old daughter, made us a delicious chocolate cake decorated as a soccer field. And 24 matching cupcakes. What an awesome cake… And yummy too. I will have to download some pictures to post.

On Fairies:

I have a fairy tattoo. Although, Dudie always asks to see my “Dragon”. So I’ve decided to get another tattoo and I wanted it to be my birthday gift from me to me… Well my birthday is the 19th.  Even though I have a general idea of what I want I’m still unsure. I’ve used the Tattoo parlour in Menlyn but since they no longer exist I need to know if anyone can recommend a reputable shop? In Pretoria. Preferably, the EAST. Please.


P.S. Yesterday’s morning conversation with Dudie:

Dudie: Me a boy, Mamma a girl, Daddy….. I don’t know

Me: Daddy is a boy.

Dudie: No. Daddy not a boy.

Me: Daddy is a Big Boy.

Dudie: No, Daddy NOT a boy. Oh, there’s a Cement mixer….


Random thoughts. Heart, Mind & Soul

I was never one to have very very close relationships with anyone now that I think about it. I had a select few that I really connected with but alas I admit that “life happened” and we have some how lost touch… It’s sad really. Everyone needs a person. And as life progressed I moved through it so fast that I forgot to stop and connect with my person. My person moved away to another country almost 2 years ago…. I miss her terribly…. And I hope that sometime soon I’ll be able to pay her a surprise visit…

I’ve done some digging in my heart, mind & soul and I’ve realised that the disconnect from family life might also be why I disconnect from friends… I’m the person that would walk up to you and just talk you because I felt like, thought you were interesting, or just whatever. I’ve been classified as a “people’s person” but I think it’s more me wanting to please everyone that makes me seem like a people’s person. Dudie has this same personality of just talking to random strangers 🙂 As much as I enjoy him being a sociable child, I’m unsure how to clarify “stranger danger“. You lead by example and if Mom is talking to strangers why can’t he. Oi, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

The crux of the matter is “how can I teach my child to value his friendships or family relationships” when I am not valuing/nurturing mine? I would love to say that it is not intentional but I’m confused and to a degree I think that I am intentionally NOT nurturing relationships. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I think I don’t have the time. And that it’ll all work itself out. Much like I think/hope/pray that my marriage works with minimal effort from my side. Bad attitude – I know. Work in progress.  This might be the actual reason why I smother Dudie 🙂

Enough of my thoughts. I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair, still on of my all time favourites… Click here if you haven’t heard it before or even if you need a feel good song for Friday

P.S. Did I mention that Dudie is learning sign language? It’s an added extra from the school, thanks. My child conversed with me in sign language at 6am this morning…. Needless to say that I need to brush up on my signing… Oh, and he also seems to know some Sotho/Portuguese and French… Class mates, we guess…

If only…..

Have you watched the movie If Only ?I have, several times and I ball my eyes out EVERYTIME! What gets to me is that death is inevitable… At some point, we’re all going to leave this earth. I’m relatively ok with that but the problem/fear that I battle with is the “how” you going to exit this world. Now I realise that this is beyond our control and there is no use in fussing over it but I still have this gnawing feeling about it. My grandfather and I had many many discussions about it. He passed away very peacefully in his sleep in 1997… And I still miss him dearly. I can still hear his voice and I can still see his smile….

This morning, I had a brief yet pulling-my-heart-strings conversation with one of my Aunts., on my Mom’s side of the family. My Mom is one of six children, 5 girls and the youngest a son. She is the second born. Now, both my mom and the eldest daughter, I don’t really have much of a bond with but the other three daughters (my Aunts) – well let’s just say that when you see us together you will know that we are family. Aunt T is so excited ‘cos her eldest and only daughter is getting married in April 2013. They are going dress shopping. And basically, she can’t wait for her own grankids. She treats Dudie like he’s her grandchild. Love her for that. Well, now that I think about it, all three Aunts treat Dudie like he’s their grandchild. Love you all.

I mentioned to her how I’ve always envied the relationship she had with her daughter. And then she reiterated that I have and always will hold a special place in her heart. (Total snotty cry moment on the train and I forgot my sunglasses in the car) Fact of the matter is that she makes no secret of it that “HER KIDS, all 3 of them, are her LIFE” and I relate ‘cos that’s just how I feel about Dudie. What gets to me though is that that i snot the message that I got from my Mom. We have a touch and go relationship. The entire family knows the situation. I’m not angry or upset…. I’m disappointed. How do you not want to ensure that your child knows that he/she is loved, protected, cared for, etc.

I miss my family. We don’t see each other often. We live in Pretoria. They live in Cape Town. Solution would be to move to Cape Town but that brings on a whole other can of worms…. As Dude stated earlier this week, we’re just settling in to GP now, after we’ve been here for 10 and 9 yrs respectively…

This brings me to my dilemma that I’ve been facing for almost 4 yrs years now(I’m including my pregnancy) – How to balance everything. Being a successful career woman and having a happy fulfilling family life.

NB! This is MY opinion.

Something’s gotta give. You can not do both. At some stage one or the other will take a back seat. Even if it’s temporary. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we all make our choices. And we really don’t need to justify them to anyone. It is YOUR choice afterall.

Since I knew I was to become a mother, I did some serious soul searching. Dude was of the notion that I stay at home with baby until he goes to school(roughly 7yrs). Now, as much as I enjoy my home time with Dudie, I am NOT stay at home mom material (SAHM). I will lose my shit! I enjoy working and interacting with my colleagues. I need to feel like I’m making a difference and that I’m worth something. Hats off to all SAHM but it’s just not me. But, I don’t think that I need to spend 8 hours a day away from my Dudie either. I was of the notion that Dudie will need me more when he starts “big” school. So I’ll have to work my way to a more flexi/part time JOB later.

Well, this thought has been hovering again. As Dudie approaches 3yrs, I’m more inclined to look at alternate options of employment. I have no idea where to start looking? Or what I’m looking for? But I do know that currently, I’m too attached too my salary…. The thought of giving up my financial independence scares the hibbygeebees out of me! So if anyone has any ideas on how I can free up some time, please feel free to share…

So, I’m playing the lotto this weekend. I just might have a blog post next week that’ll blow you away.

Happy Friday

Spirited Mama


So after all our gallivanting…. and after a lovely Heritage Day in South Africa, it’s back to grindstone.

I’m hungry for more. More sun, fun, laughter, holidays…. So instead of doing my ‘WORK” I’m browsing the net for suitable holidays 🙂

On Monday, Dudie will be 3!!! This morning we came up with our plan of action for his birthday celebrations. On Sunday, we will have a few people over for lunch. My friend’s daughter will be making a cake. I will post a picture next week. All I can say is that the baker is 11yrs and she’s into the “Cake Boss” big time. Hopefully the weather is good and we can put out the jumping castle and maybe brave our first swim for Spring????

On Monday, we will do mini cupcakes and treats at school as the Dudie has been asking about a party at school for a while now. I’m trying to get leave for the day. Plan is to spend the morning with him and then I have to STUDY!

On Monday evening, we’ll brave our Spur and watch how the Dudie soaks up the limelight when they sing for him. My big boy is turning 3. 

In other news, Dudie asked whether he could have a brother and a sister for his birthday????? OMG! Did my child not get the memo that he was going to be an only child?

Happy 4 day week folks. I can’t wait for the celebrations to start.

P.S. Last year the night before, I hung banners and decorated my lounge with balloons and name boards, pop up posters and more. Much to the Dudie’s delight when he woke on his special day. This year I plan to do the same. And we are so having cupcakes for breakfast again….Think I’ll do home-made red velvet cupcakes(this will be my first attempt)

P.P.S I’m putting together a gift list for Dudie and I’m battling a bit. I’m more for educational toys than anything else. But it seems my child has other ideas… Any suggestions welcome. I mean seriously, how much Legos can one child have? Or trucks and diggers!!! If anyone knows anyone that I can arrange a site visist and a ride in a truck, please let me know. That could possibly be teh best gift ever – Taking him to see trucks, cranes, diggers….

P.P.P.S My exams are fast approaching and I need to get my A into Gear and figure out a study roster!!!!

We’re looking for George?

Dudie insists that it is called Jordan. And even if rectified two seconds later he refers to Jordan. We let it be. Whilst Dude went to park the car, Dudie and I made our way to the check in counters. They weighed our bag. Please note that we use one bag for the 3 of us as the pack horse aka Dude says that he can’t manage multiple bags and and and … The bag weighed 29kg’s. The guy just looked at me and asked me what my intention was with the car seat. I said that I was going to carry it to the plane but if he needs to check it in then so be it. He said that it’s best he does then he can justify the weight for 2 pieces… LOL. Thanks, guy for making a plan.

We left a rainy Johannesburg on Saturday morning only to arrive to perfect blue sunny warm skies in George 1 hour 30 mins later… The trip was rather uneventful, well it was because we had no major tantrums or Dudie trying to destroy the plane as usual. We did have a toilet run and OMG this lavatory was even smaller than usual. I’m not kidding. I couldn’t turn in there. Dudie sat on toilet and I almost fell out the door. Seriously, how do they expect you to do a nappy change in there when I can’t even assist my 2 almost 3 yr old in there. And I don’t think you want me to leave the door open either ‘cos all you’ll hear is the exhilarated shrieks of Dudie “look Mama, I made a big one!”

So we arrived an hour earlier for our rental pick up but my Dude flashed his pearlys and of course most women die at the sight of his dimples(yes, I’m being biased but I’m allowed to cos his MY Dude) and in no time we had a car 🙂

We set off and took whichever turn we felt like. If someone said left, Dude would turn left. Even if it wasn’t one of us in the car…. I suspect my Dude also hears little voices… But our first stop was Herold’s Bay.

We had ice-cream and we ran and ran and just enjoyed the beach. We found the most private unspoilt beaches on this adventure of ours. We found quaint little towns. Friendly locals and the most delicious seafood.

Dude found a proper butcher to buy some meat as he wanted to braai. I did mention that we were staying at a Hotel of some sorts and we might not have self catering facilities or braai areas… Being in the Wilderness and all the area is protected…

He bought loads of meat. We checked in and then realised Fck, so where do we braai or even store the meat and hopefully find a picnic spot the next day. We spoke to reception and they advised that we try the Backpackers lodge down the road. The only catch was that you need to support their bar 🙂  Well, we headed straight there. On route we found this little fella


The peeps at Fairy Knowe Backpackers Lodge welcomed us. Them and all their dogs, they have a few and different breeds. Staffies, bull terriers, a lab etc… We love animals, all three of us so it was no surprise when these dogs wanted to spend time with us too. We braaied. Dude had some beer and I had Savanna, Dudie had coke. <It was a holiday for everyone so the child was allowed fizzy drinks.>

They had swings and I even braved the tyre swing much to Dudie’s delight. For the 3 days we did nothing but behave like tourists. We soaked up the sun, enjoyed the beaches, drove around because Dudie was having a nap, and just took in the scenery.

Dude was in his element as he got to fish in the Ocean and off the jetty. We saw a whale’s tale and loads of Dolphins at Victoria Bay. If ever you go past Victoria bay, go visit the “Shell Shop”. It’s small but filled with magical treasures.

We even found bubbles there. Dudie and I blew bubbles on the beach (I’ve wanted to do that before but we always end up at the beach sans bubbles) what fun we had. Would you believe me if I told you that the restaurant only had 2 beers left on Monday afternoon…. True Story – There was a party of some sort over the weekend and they were awaiting their delivery when we sat down for lunch.

Our departure was scheduled for 17:50 on Monday afternoon. I only realised that this was the last flight for George when we arrived at check in. Now, it seems that in a small town where everyone is relaxed, the airport gets locked up. We arrived earlier as we were on standby. We checked in without any hassles. I don’t even know if anyone checked the weight of our bag… We boarded at 17:20 and by 17:30 the cabin crew were arming the doors!!! That’s when I realised that in this town you can’t be late for your flight. They will leave you behind! You will NOT put them under duress. We were taking off at 17:40 on a scheduled flight that was due to depart at 17:50. Great. Thanks, I appreciate the fact that we got home slightly earlier. I just don’t think that’ll go down well at OR Tambo International. With all the passengers, me included, trying to kill the person at the check in counter….’cos the flight left early….

With our departure we left the rain behind in Johannesburg and upon our return we left some clouds behind in George. We had great weather. Thank U God for our glorious time away and for our safe return

Thank you George/Wilderness/Knysna you will be missed. This was the start to frequent getaways…. We left our footprints there

*PG* Germs were killed!

I received a delivery at work last week and I knew exactly where it was coming from. What was in the box was a mystery….

The kind people over at Dettol sent me a gift. *smile* Oh who am I kidding, I was over the moon just to receive a parcel.

<Even if you send me a box filled with nothing but bubblewrap I’ll still be excited 🙂 >


They have asked me to review their Daily Care soap. Now, I don’t generally use soap. Heck, I’m embarrassed as whenever we receive guests, I have to dash to the shops to go buy whatever soap is available (read: on special as the guests are not likely to finish it then I end up throwing it out). I don’t keep soap in the house.

Both Dudie and I have sensitive skins and I’m extremely careful when choosing body products. The Dude is easy going. So, in preparation for our mini getaway, I decided to pack some Dettol soap and travel sans body wash/shower gels…

This is our experience:

Spiritedmama – It’s a win win situation. It doesn’t dry out my skin and I definitely don’t have that tight feeling afterwards. My skin felt softer. I forgot to pack my face wash and braved it with the Dettol soap on my face (I know you’re not suppose to use soap on your face but hey I needed to wash my face) my skin was fine. I also liked the soft fragrance, just enough not to irritate my sinusitis.

Dudie – His skin felt soft and I do think that it helped with eczema that he has behind his knee. See this child of my also suffers with eczema. Looking at his eczema this morning I wonder if this Dettol soap is aiding with healing this eczema???? I did notice that he had fewer dry patches on his body.

Dude – He loves it! At the breakfast table on Monday, he pipes up “I smell so clean”. Well, I think so too. It’s a fresh smell rather than a soapy smell.

I would definitely recommend Dettol Daily Soap to anyone. It’s easy to pack too. Rather than having a bottle of some body wash expand in flight and explode in your face as you open it after you’ve landed…. (This has happened. Please do not try this at home. It’s dangerous).

P.S. Thanks for my fluffy gown too. And the boxing gloves are a “hit” with Dudie.

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